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Friday, April 24, 2015

Getting Back to Simple

This was taken the other week. They're about twice that size now. Looks like we're going to have plenty of giant zinnias for my gardens.

Jerry and I have had a little vacation this week and this week coming. Mom went back to Oklahoma with my sister for a visit, and she'll also visit a niece and a friend in Texas. So we've had some free time to enjoy.

With the girls here we haven't taken any overnight getaways, but we are taking some day trips. Driving a little farther than normal for lunch, hoping to see bear again at Cacapon State Park, WV, driving past Gettysburg through apple orchard territory, and a scenic drive near Bedford PA.

                                            The girls playing tug-of-war on a warm afternoon.

Just simple outings, getting away from home now that I'm feeling just about normal. It had been a long winter of illness and these shorts trip have been refreshing.

I've also been able to get out in my gardens for the first time, as warmer weather is starting to become the norm. Shrubs and plants are blooming, trees are blooming, and baby laves are now almost full grown on our maple tree. With rake in hand, I've had the energy to do some work and its been good!

                                                   Our new cherry tree did well this spring.

We're not big travelers, really just homebodies, and doing what we can in the neighborhood. I've been able to write notes again, and that makes me happy. I'm reading again, and sitting in our back yard enjoying the scenery God's given us.

Life has returned and it feels good. I lived in another world for four months, and I'm glad its ended. The simple life is returning. It may not be for everyone, but it is for me. I've even made my first lunch date with a dear friend.

                             Candytuft is now in bloom. It's a nice bright spot in early spring.

Mom will return home near the end of next week. They tell me she's doing well. Well, I am too! And for that I'm very thankful. Thank you, God!

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