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Friday, April 17, 2015

Every Step is Lovely

My sister, Kathy, and her husband, David, came to visit recently. They live in Oklahoma and it had been three years since we'd been able to visit. I love this snap I took of her one early morning in the kitchen. I love you, Kathy.

Every step in the development of each plant is lovely!

There's always surprises as I walk our yard in the spring, looking for new sprouts and buds. This week I wasn't disappointed. Our young magnolia tree is in bloom, and yesterday while looking at the flowers I saw inside one of the blooms. Usually the petals are folded together, but this bloom was open and it looked like another flower inside at the base. I can't recall ever seeing this before. What a treat!

The viburnum shrub in two gardens is filled with the glossy, dark red flower buds that show before the flowers bloom. They're almost as pretty as the flowers themselves! The flowers have a deliciously sweet aroma. I can't keep away from them when they're in bloom!

The peony plants are strong as they shoot upward in development. I can see in my mind the large, beautiful flowers yet to develop. I find it amazing the steps each plant goes through.
Tulips are budding and will open soon for a stunning display of color! Jo dug up some of the tulips that were outside of the garden fence, but I still have enough to enjoy!
And I can't forget my baby leaves that are still wound up loosely just waiting for a warm and sunny day to open. It only takes a few days for the leaves to grow to their full size, so make sure you stop and look at a new baby leaf!
I think watching each plant develop can be just as beautiful as a full blossoming flower! And each one of these plants was designed by God. Each step lovingly created so the plant grows into a beautiful plant.
And that's what He does for us. At 66 I'm still going through each step He has designed for me until I am completely mature and full grown. We're all a work in progress as the beauty of each plant so magnificently displays, just like that lovely second flower inside the delicate magnolia petals.

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