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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

I Volunteered

Somebody has to do it. Why not me? It's National Ice Cream month! Ronald Regean made it official in  1984, and what better month than July during the hot, humid weather. And the third Sunday of July is National Ice Cream Day.

So I took it upon myself to make milk shakes. Not any milk shake. The one I grew up on. Every once in a while my Dad would surprise us and make milk shakes. It was a special treat. And it still it today!

So I gathered the ingredients and my favorite glass and began. First, the right ice cream.

Then the right syrup. (Hershey's, of course.)

A little bit of milk.

A whole lot of ice cream. (No, I didn't eat the whole container. Almost.)

A little mixing . . . some more ice cream and syrup.

And fill it to the brim chocolate milk shake!

It's a favorite treat, and I've been enjoying them this month in celebration.

The only negative aspect of this treat is what it does to my waist and hips. But, that's such a small thing compared to a delicious and fulfilling milkshake.

There aren't very many good memories I have about my father, but he did make a mean milk shake that I always loved! There's still time. It's only July 23rd!

Nope, the Minister of Chocolate hasn't retired!

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