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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I Struck Gold, Twice

The other year my sister-in-law, Bobbie, sent me over a snap her granddaughter, Sammi, took of two fawns nursing. She was hiking in the woods, and came upon them unexpectantly. She was able to get a snap off before the scene broke up.

I was envious. I'd never seen a fawn nursing in the wild. It was a coveted snap. That is until Saturday morning. I got mine.

One thing I miss about working is the drive in each morning. I'd leave home 15 to 20 minutes early so I could drive all the country roads I'd come to love. I knew where I would see deer, sheep, calves and goslings. And in between those would be a lovely sunrise to capture.

Last July I decided to go out on Saturday mornings to spot fawn. I'd leave the house by 6 and enjoy two hours of nature as I drove all those roads I use to drive. The streets were quiet from any other travelers. I was able to get some nice fawn snaps.

Two weeks ago I started on my fawn watch for this year. Leaving a little before 6 a.m. I found nothing the first time out, but the second time I struck gold! I not only found one fawn nursing, but much to my surprise I had snapped another fawn nursing and hadn't realized it! (Below) A doe and two fawns were moving across an open cemetery field, and I was just following them in the car, snapping when I could.

After downloading and working with the snap of the fawn nursing, I then went back and previewed the other snaps. I was shocked to find another nursing fawn. It was a banner morning as I saw fawn at four different locations, and was able to spend 10 minutes snapping at two of those spots.

The picture quality isn't as good as I'd like; they appear grainy. Enhancing them hasn't worked well, but I'm pleased at my good fortune. A much sought after snap was captured.

When I began taking pictures of deer I was amazed to discover I often had 30 seconds to a minute to get several snaps off before the deer ran off. And many times I'd have a number of minutes to watch and enjoy while I snapped away.

I don't know what it is about baby animals. Fawn, lamb, calves, goslings and foal are exciting to snap. Other than they're just plain cute, maybe it's knowing how difficult it can be to get those babies when the Mom's try and shield them from me.

We haven't seen any doe at our back gate since the first of the year, so I don't know if we'll have any fawn coming up this year. The guys are coming up though. Our bachelor of buck number seven this year, and they're antlers are already big. It's amazing. The above and below snaps are from last year. I love seeing them.

I love my hobby of photography. It's a fulfilling pastime and continually provides enjoyment and creativity. And every once in a while, you get a snap of a lifetime!


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