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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

You Wanta do What?

Blues and purples in the garden
A young woman read my blog post last week and called to say USE ME!
The post was telling about my mishap with my knees and all the plants still needing to be planted. Just another post of the happenings in my life. But someone read it and said: "I can do that." Danielle came over last Saturday morning and planted my plants, weeded the gardens and moved around the dirt to present a clean appearance.

Danielle and me
It's hard to accept help from others. When I typed that post, the thought that someone would offer to help never occurred to me. When Danielle emailed me and offered her services, I was surprised.
We talked about people in need and how they don't want to ask for help. We decided when you know of a need, sometimes you just have to go to the person's house and do it. Thank you, Danielle, for helping me. My spirits were cheered!
This week finds me at my friend, Cindy's, home, dog sitting. I'm spending the night with two lovely girls who are calm and happy. Delaney, below, belongs to Cindy's daughter, Charlotte.
Sweet Delaney
Aspen, below,  is the girl I let out three days a week. She's very loving!
That means Jerry is at home with the pups at night. I'm close enough that I come home during the day to take care of this and that. I'm glad Cindy felt comfortable enough to ask if I could help. Charlotte is a vet in Columbia, and has been taking care of Abby and Jo's first months with us. It's certainly nice to know a good doctor!
The lovely flowers below are from a tree in Cindy's front yard. I think it's Dogwood. Her home is also where I got the lovely Alstroemeria I posted last week.
"You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give."  Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931) 

                                                          It's my ball. No, it's my ball.

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" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...