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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Age Means Change

A nice portrait of Abby and Jo at 5 1/2 months
I didn't get just Medicare and two puppies when I turned 65. I've also been reminded that my knees are old and not happy toting me around!

Last Friday and Saturday mornings I walked around quite a bit doing this and that in the gardens, and out and about in Westminster. Late Saturday afternoon my good knee decided it didn't want to work anymore. Sunday I was using one crutch to help me get  around.

                        Although frost destroyed most of the blooms on my young magnolia tree,
                                                     I did get a few beautiful blooms!

It was when I retired that my knees really became an issue. I started walking Sam in the park each morning. Both of us loved it! We started out on flat ground for a few weeks before we started half way around the walk path. I thought we were doing well when my left knee went out. That knee has never fully recovered, and I'm sure knee replacement will be in my future.

                                      This candy tuft is a real bright spot in the spring garden!

But a few days ago it was my good knee that struck back! That's not funny. After all, I have plants that need planting. Wait a minute. That's when it went out. This is quite a dilemma! It's not like I can call Jerry over to take care of the planting. He's worse off than I am!

                     This Alstroemeria (Peruvian lily) is a beauty in my friend, Cindy's, backyard.

Yes, a lot of things change as you get older. I bet you're wondering what made me want two puppies at this point. Seems kind of strange, doesn't it?

                                        Enjoyed seeing this pastoral scene not far from home.

Over these last three months since the pups came home with us, I've decided two puppies are, indeed, better than one. They are so happy being together! Whether it's eating, sleeping, playing, loving or fighting, they are close buddies. They have someone to lean on at all times.

             Every year I'm delighted to see my baby leaves appear on the maple tree out back.

Yes, they did destroy my tulips this year, but my poppies started opening the other day! The little wire fence that isn't working has kept them out of the garden 80% of the time. All my other plants are healthy and growing!

My poppies say a joyful good morning!
Having two pups that want to snuggle in your lap is fun and heavy. Yes, I've fallen twice, with them at my feet, but thankfully, no damage was done. Although walking the pups has been delayed a few days because of my knees, both of them are calming down on their walks, and are so excited when I get down the leash. I do Abby first because she's more distracted and pulls more. Jo is still calm and slow.

Yes, age does mean change, but I'm hoping I'm up to the experience. If it wasn't for those old knees!

Abby hides in the dog house when Jerry gets the tractor out and mows.

At I found this quote: "Happiness starts with a wet nose and ends with a tail!" I do believe that's true!

I leave you with a rainbow I enjoyed seeing yesterday from my backyard, rain drops were falling.


1 comment:

  1. Loved your blog today Carol... beautiful photos... and a story some of the rest of us can all relate to... at least to some degree or another! So sorry about your knees... praying for strength and healing and blessings galore for you my friend! Love and God-hugs! Karla


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Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...