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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wintry Thoughts

Yes, that's a very unflattering picture of me when I came in from walking in the snow! I was beat from walking around in 16 inches of snow, still falling, and sat there for 20 minutes. Too bad Jerry didn't get a snap of me when I first came in. He said I was a sight! No vanity there.

I went out at 7 a.m. to get some early morning shots in the lane behind our house. It was wonderful waking up to the winter wonderland. I heard snow again! What a refreshing sound. I've shared this poem I wrote before, but it's worth sharing again:

"When I opened the back door I heard it
I was amazed at the sound
A whisper different from wind
Yet, precise; like nothing else I've ever heard
Snow falling from the heavens
My heart rested and listened
I couldn't keep away from my back door
I heard snow and thanked God."

The three snaps below were all taken in low light, early that morning, with the snow falling heavy.

The lane looked a lot different from when I took snaps from the ice storm. The one below is looking up the hill at the back end of our yard from the lane.

A little bird sits watching the show.

With all of this cold to look at, here's some facts I recently learned about ice cream!

Which U.S. state once had a law that banned serving ice cream on cherry pie?  Kansas

How many licks, on average, does it take to eat a single-scoop serving of ice cream on a cone?  50, but why not hold a contest and see for yourself! (I like this suggestion!)

Which country's military delivered pints of ice cream right to soldiers in the foxholes during WW II?  The United States

More ice cream is sold on this day of the week than any others. Which day is it?  Sunday

Which dictator banned the sale of ice cream throughout his country?  Mussolini. Even though Italy is the birthplace of ice cream, he thought the confection was "too American."

President Ronald Reagan proclaimed July National Ice Cream month. But you know, we can eat it all year!
And now that I'm retired, I've found it's also good for breakfast!

The snap below is not a great picture. Some might say it isn't even a good picture. But I love it! It was taken at a favorite place I snap lambs. It was early morning, snowing and there is a metal fence in front of half the sheep. I was a fair distanced away. I just love how they're all under cover resting.

My favorite snap from this big snow, which I posted on Facebook, is of the red barn I found on a favorite road early last Saturday morning. Quiet. Serene. Peaceful. Solitude. Now that's a snap!

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