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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Day to be Grateful

This post I thank God for keeping me safe the last two years and three months from health issues. My heart is overwhelmed at the protection He afforded me during that time. Let me tell you about it.

When I retired in October 2011, I could not afford to carry the health insurance I had been entitled to at the Baptist Convention. I applied on my own to a different health care provider, but was turned down.

It would be two years and three months before I was eligible for Medicare. That meant a very long time to go without health insurance.

Each morning when I woke I asked God to protect me from accident and injury, sickness and illness. When I'd be in a vehicle I would ask for protection. When I went to bed at night, I'd thank God for protecting me.

This was a scary experience. We never know when something will happen that will change our life. But Jerry and I both knew we couldn't afford to continue the health insurance I had while working.

As of this day, Wednesday, February 26th, I have two more days before my Medicare begins in honor of my 65th birthday in March. I am one very happy and thankful person.  God has seen me through with minimal concerns that were easy for us to care for.

So I dedicate this post to thanking God for protecting me during this inbetween time of having health insurance. I'm very grateful!

I found these three red barns one snowy morning.

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