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Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I love hearing and singing Southern Gospel music. I have been exposed to hundreds of songs and singers I'd never heard or seen before when we started watching the Gaither Homecoming videos. We still enjoy watching them to this day.

One of my favorite groups is The Booth Brothers. They were introduced on the Freedom Band Homecoming video in 2002. I immediately was drawn to their singing style and have enjoyed them ever since.

I enjoy reading the Singing News magazine that comes out monthly. The stories are inspiring, and I can find out where my favorite groups are playing. I also get emails from Singing News keeping me up-to-date on happenings, and I can pull them up on their website.

That's where I saw a video of the Singing News Fan Awards show. And that's where I heard Michael Booth's speech accepting the award for favorite tenor in 2013. It's his words that caught my attention, and that I pass along to you here.

He began by talking about his limitations in singing. Then he said, " . . . God is not affected by our limitations . . . matter of fact, I believe He uses them in ways that we can't imagine . . . so I just want to tell God thank you for limiting me so that I know anything that is effective has come from Him, and I can give Him the glory for it and have confidence in Him alone."

I certainly know my own limitations, and it's all God who gives me the words to write to encourage hearts. After writing for over 20 years, I'm still amazed at words I write and know it was God who gave me the words.

What are your limitations? Can someone do it better? Do you feel inadequate with your gift(s)? I've recently begun writing folks in my church family, beginning with those families I haven't written to before, to encourage them in their Christian walk. These are some of the words I'm sharing: "Thank you for serving God with your gifts. Every one of us are important for God's work to be accomplished. I encourage you to stand tall for Christ, displaying His love with courage and using your gift(s) for His glory."

No one can do what God has called YOU to do. You've been given the ability to work for Him with just the right skill and talent to bring the results He needs done. As Michael said: "God is not affected by our limitations."

On the CD that is pictured below, I was introduced to a new song to me. "Sweet Will of God." I just love it when I hear a song that touches my heart and soul. Thank you, Michael, for letting God use you to encourage and inspire His people.

Limitations? You've been given everything you need to fulfill God's purpose in your life. To witness for Him and serve Him. As Michael said: "I know anything that is effective has come from Him and I can give Him the glory for it!"

Fall is in the air!

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