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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

For the Love of a Chip

Yes, that's me, doing my thing as an Utz representative! Utz and I go way back to my growing up years. I've never found a chip I liked better!

It's been over 20 years since I visited the Utz factory to see how my favorite chips were made. When we arrived at the plant, we glanced through some brochures provided by the company. One of the brochures began with the history of the first potato chip.

"The year was 1853. The place was 'Moon's Place,' a popular resort in Saratoga Springs, New York. There, an Indian cook named Aunt Kate accidently dropped a very thin potato into hot fat. As Aunt Kate fished the crispy morsel from the fat, restaurant owner, George Crum happened by and tasted America's first potato chip . . ."

There are four steps in making potato chips: potato selection, preparation, frying, and, inspection and seasoning. Attendants on the production line observe all the chips and pick out the dark ones. It only takes 30 minutes from raw potato to packaged and ready-for-delivery chips.

I wrote an article about my experience and shared it with the company. The president, Michael Rice, wrote a nice note back to me and said, "I asked one of our sales supervisors in your area to deliver an Utz logo can to you." A special touch!

They are strong community supporters, and right now they are supporting breast cancer research. If you've never, which I can't believe, tried Utz potato chips, now's a great time to do it!

Early in our marriage Jerry and I were in North Carolina. Jerry went into a store to pick up some potato chips for me. "They didn't have any Utz," he said, "so I bought these." Being the young, immature girl that I was, I quickly told him, "I only eat Utz!" I guess he's gotten use to me by now.

All through my life, Utz potato chips have been my friend. Just a plain, old, regular potato chip. A simple delight to make a day go better. You just have to smile!

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