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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Reading Again

Three's a charm! Three books that is. I want to tell you about them. And just about to begin a 4th!

The first book is Lead Me, Holy Spirit, by Stormie Omartian. My friend, Carol, passed it on to me. I like the first line of the description of the book on the back cover: "God's Holy Spirit is as close as your next breath--what an amazing gift." 

What does it mean to be led by the Holy Spirit? The book puts you on a first-name basis with God's Spirit If you're not already. Very detailed, yet easily understood and common language.

If I Live to be 100, by Neenah Ellis, is the second book, passed on to me by my friend, Kim. Nineteen Centenarians were interviewed and their stories shared. Each interview is a quick and enlightened journey with humor. One big lesson? "Slow down, fall into the moment and listen."

A recent Saturday morning Jerry and I had breakfast with friends who've served with several mission organizations through the years. We were talking about books, and I shared my enjoyment of the two historical devotion books I started this year.

Janie said: "Have I got a great book for you! Church History in Plain Language." It's excellent! I've just read a few chapters--it's 2" thick--but I'm enjoying the read very much. It is indeed written in easy to understand language so the common person can understand and not feel over his head.

My fourth book is on a lighter wave length--Beverly Lewis' newest novel "The Secret Keeper." She writes Amish fiction, and I'm always learning new things about the Amish life. I've read most of Lewis' books, easy reads to curl up with and be refreshed.

I think I'm well prepared with reading material as Fall comes upon us. Growing, admiring, learning and being refreshed. Like this lovely pasture scene where I've taken many snaps.

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