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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How Long Has it Been?

                                          How long has it been since you've written a note?
                                          How long has it been since you've taken pen and wrote?
                                          How long has it been since a friend's heart you cheered?
                                          How long has it been since God's Love you shared?

Yes, my own personal rhyme to inspire you to take up your pen and write, or your cell and call, or your computer and type! This week, working in the church office, reminded me of all the people that need encouraging.

A hand-written note filled with God's Love and encouraging words will cheer the heart of your friend. It only takes 15 minutes to sit down and write a few words. As Bonnie Mohr described: " . . . few people can resist the excitement and anticipation that comes with receiving a hand-written envelope and card in the mail." You can plant seeds of truth along with a caring, personal message.

                                                       How good it feels to help a friend.
                                                       How good it feels to reach within.
                                                       How good it feels to touch a heart.
                                                       How good it feels to share your heart.

Another original rhyme by the note writer. Ok, I think I'll stick to being a note writer instead of writing poetry.

Some of you may remember a story I tell when I talk about note writing. A former boss that I worked for at the local telephone company shared it with me. "My daughter, Melissa, played in the Marshall High School Band. After graduating high school and college and working several years for Bell Atlantic, she read in the newspaper that her high school band director was under fire from a group of parents demanding that the school board dismiss him. (He did nothing wrong.) One day Melissa stopped by Marshall High School to give a word of encouragement to this man she hadn't seen for years. He thanked her and reached into his briefcase and pulled out a letter of encouragement and appreciation Melissa had written to him when she graduated from high school. He had been carrying it in his briefcase for many years. He told her that the letter had helped get him through the problems he was going through. We often underestimate the impact of a small act of kindness." One note, with words of encouragement, helped this man many years later during a troubling time in his life.

That's what a note can do. It lives on for how ever long the recipient lives. I certainly have baskets full of notes people have sent to me that continue encouraging me through the years. Lettie J. Kirkpatrick wrote: "A well-chosen, well-worded card can become a powerful voice of hope, comfort, and encouragement to a needy person."

Who is that one friend or acquaintance that is going to receive a special hand-written note from you? Or a call, or an email? Let's encourage a heart. I promise, your own heart will be encouraged too!

Lynn D. Morrissey says: "The greatest compliment I've ever received is from those who say they keep 'Lynn files' in which to store my correspondence." Lynn also says: "God considers letter-writing extremely important. The Bible is filled with letters . . . our letters can have tremendous purpose . . . Once you understand the important of 'note' writing, and how easy it is to do, it will become one of the greatest pleasures of your life, opening up a whole world of adventure." It certainly has happened to me!

"A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver." Proverbs 25:11.

The top snap is of Tweezer as he was leaving our yard after eating corn. The fawn came up while Tweezer was eating and then stayed around for me to snap pictures! My 3 fawn and Mom let me capture a few snaps after they left our gate and walked down the lane.

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