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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Roar of the Waves

Recently Jerry and I visited the Eastern Shore. We are mountain and valley people, so spending a few days around the bay and ocean are different for us. It was a spur of the moment idea.

One day was spent in the charming town of St. Michael's, between Easton and Cambridge. We enjoyed a cruise on the Patriot, refreshing, relaxing and fun! As you can see by the picture above, it was a beautiful day to be on the water.

We also visited the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum which tells the stories of the Bay. There are ten exhibit buildings as well as the 1879 Hooper Strait Lighthouse, below. Although it was a short climb to the top, the steps were very narrow. We took a slow walk up, and down, now that we're senior citizens.

We drove out to Tilghman's Island and surrounding roads, where I found my favorite subjects to photograph!

Our dinner was delish and our room was comfortable and quiet. It was a good day for sightseeing!

We took a ferry out of Bellevue over to Oxford on our way to Blackwater Refuge near Cambridge. Jerry snapped me as I was enjoying the trip over.

We saw this green heron while waiting for the ferry to arrive. Looks a little different from it's better known cousin.

We've been to the Blackwater Refuge before, so was hoping to see some eagles again. Only spotted one and it was too high to get a snap. See that speck in the sky near the middle. A beautiful day none-the-less.

On we went to Assateague Island where wild horses roam. We didn't see many there, but I did get a few snaps.

Chincoteague Island on the Virginia shore beckoned us next. I had visited Chincoteague 40+ years ago and remembered a small vishing village where I ended up getting very burned from the sun. My how it's changed!The ride in is beautiful and the wildlife refuge and seashore provided many scenes to photograph.

We got in late afternoon and caught this snap of the sun going down.

Up at 5 a.m. we were off to the shore to watch the sunrise. Walking along the beach and hearing the waves was magnificant. The power is incredible. This was only my second experience of walking the beach at sunrise. I was mesmerized as I watch the horizon begin to color. Our God indeed is an awesome God! The snap below is before sunrise. The first snap of the post was a beautiful display of God's handiwork.

We visited Captain Timothy Hill's house, circa 1800. It's the oldest house on the island.

The Assateague Light House was rebuilt 1866-1867. (Assateague Island comes all the way down the shoreline to Chincoteague.) It was 142 steps to the top. I was determined to climb it the next day until I remembered my knee the next morning. So we admired it from afar, seeing it's light flash as the island sky became dusk.

On our way home Jerry said, "This has been a great trip!" Looks like the mountains have competition!

Our fawns are losing their spots as you can see below. We're putting corn out twice a day, occasionally three times. Our herd of buck haven't been up much in August and September, but last evening we had four guys dining. Four big guys! Was too dark to get a snap.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Reading Again

Three's a charm! Three books that is. I want to tell you about them. And just about to begin a 4th!

The first book is Lead Me, Holy Spirit, by Stormie Omartian. My friend, Carol, passed it on to me. I like the first line of the description of the book on the back cover: "God's Holy Spirit is as close as your next breath--what an amazing gift." 

What does it mean to be led by the Holy Spirit? The book puts you on a first-name basis with God's Spirit If you're not already. Very detailed, yet easily understood and common language.

If I Live to be 100, by Neenah Ellis, is the second book, passed on to me by my friend, Kim. Nineteen Centenarians were interviewed and their stories shared. Each interview is a quick and enlightened journey with humor. One big lesson? "Slow down, fall into the moment and listen."

A recent Saturday morning Jerry and I had breakfast with friends who've served with several mission organizations through the years. We were talking about books, and I shared my enjoyment of the two historical devotion books I started this year.

Janie said: "Have I got a great book for you! Church History in Plain Language." It's excellent! I've just read a few chapters--it's 2" thick--but I'm enjoying the read very much. It is indeed written in easy to understand language so the common person can understand and not feel over his head.

My fourth book is on a lighter wave length--Beverly Lewis' newest novel "The Secret Keeper." She writes Amish fiction, and I'm always learning new things about the Amish life. I've read most of Lewis' books, easy reads to curl up with and be refreshed.

I think I'm well prepared with reading material as Fall comes upon us. Growing, admiring, learning and being refreshed. Like this lovely pasture scene where I've taken many snaps.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How Long Has it Been?

                                          How long has it been since you've written a note?
                                          How long has it been since you've taken pen and wrote?
                                          How long has it been since a friend's heart you cheered?
                                          How long has it been since God's Love you shared?

Yes, my own personal rhyme to inspire you to take up your pen and write, or your cell and call, or your computer and type! This week, working in the church office, reminded me of all the people that need encouraging.

A hand-written note filled with God's Love and encouraging words will cheer the heart of your friend. It only takes 15 minutes to sit down and write a few words. As Bonnie Mohr described: " . . . few people can resist the excitement and anticipation that comes with receiving a hand-written envelope and card in the mail." You can plant seeds of truth along with a caring, personal message.

                                                       How good it feels to help a friend.
                                                       How good it feels to reach within.
                                                       How good it feels to touch a heart.
                                                       How good it feels to share your heart.

Another original rhyme by the note writer. Ok, I think I'll stick to being a note writer instead of writing poetry.

Some of you may remember a story I tell when I talk about note writing. A former boss that I worked for at the local telephone company shared it with me. "My daughter, Melissa, played in the Marshall High School Band. After graduating high school and college and working several years for Bell Atlantic, she read in the newspaper that her high school band director was under fire from a group of parents demanding that the school board dismiss him. (He did nothing wrong.) One day Melissa stopped by Marshall High School to give a word of encouragement to this man she hadn't seen for years. He thanked her and reached into his briefcase and pulled out a letter of encouragement and appreciation Melissa had written to him when she graduated from high school. He had been carrying it in his briefcase for many years. He told her that the letter had helped get him through the problems he was going through. We often underestimate the impact of a small act of kindness." One note, with words of encouragement, helped this man many years later during a troubling time in his life.

That's what a note can do. It lives on for how ever long the recipient lives. I certainly have baskets full of notes people have sent to me that continue encouraging me through the years. Lettie J. Kirkpatrick wrote: "A well-chosen, well-worded card can become a powerful voice of hope, comfort, and encouragement to a needy person."

Who is that one friend or acquaintance that is going to receive a special hand-written note from you? Or a call, or an email? Let's encourage a heart. I promise, your own heart will be encouraged too!

Lynn D. Morrissey says: "The greatest compliment I've ever received is from those who say they keep 'Lynn files' in which to store my correspondence." Lynn also says: "God considers letter-writing extremely important. The Bible is filled with letters . . . our letters can have tremendous purpose . . . Once you understand the important of 'note' writing, and how easy it is to do, it will become one of the greatest pleasures of your life, opening up a whole world of adventure." It certainly has happened to me!

"A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver." Proverbs 25:11.

The top snap is of Tweezer as he was leaving our yard after eating corn. The fawn came up while Tweezer was eating and then stayed around for me to snap pictures! My 3 fawn and Mom let me capture a few snaps after they left our gate and walked down the lane.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Duty, Aspen and There's Three!

The church office calls me to duty for 10 days beginning today. I'm beginning to feel comfortable filling in when Jackie needs to be away. Afterall, this work is what God gave me to do to support myself in this world. Evenso, two of the programs I must work with are foreign to me, and now one of them was updated. So I went to the office last Friday to have a refresher course with Jackie so I'd be able to get it right!

Working in the secretarial field for 40 years was satisfying. It was what I'd always wanted to do while growing up. Being a secretary isn't always thought to be a very desired position. But I know it's what I was called to do, and I'm glad of it!
Meet Aspen. We've been having a good time of lovin when I go to let her out during the day. She is sweet and happy, and we cuddle on the couch for a few minutes. 

My first day on the job Aspen immediately started rolling down the hill when I let her out. It was so funny! She just kept wiggling around and went all the way down the hill! Cindy later asked me if Aspen had rolled down the hill. "She loves to do that," Cindy said.

I finally had my second, third and more sightings of my fawn. My pictures are coming from the kitchen window. Been trying to get snaps outside the gate, but haven't very successful.

The third fawn appears to be about a month older than our first two, and the spots are beginning to fade away. So they've now become a happy family of four!

Well, I thought a happy family . . .

I did manage to get down to Bill's house, and to the end of his back yard, but Mrs. Doe saw me and they didn't stick around. I stayed down for about 10 minutes, but they never came back. When I got up, I saw them directly in front of me about 60-70 yards away. Light wasn't good so the snap didn't come out good. Neighbors Bill and Linda have a salt lick and all four of them were around it.

I'm pleased with the snaps I've taken these past two months. Happy memories of my times riding around for fawn and enjoying them in my back yard. 

Well, I'm off to "work" this morning. Jerry will be visiting Aspen today. Hello September!

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...