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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What Birthday?

Tomorrow my Mom will turn 90. A number not many reach. We'll have lunch at her favorite restaurant: Red Lobster. We may browse a store or two. It will be a small, quiet affair. She has no family left, and only one friend.

I always love it when my birthday rolls around, although most people I know don't want to be reminded of their age. My entire birthday month is spent celebrating this day that only comes around once a year. So I'm getting older. To me it means I'm getting that much closer to my heavenly home.

Mom has been with us exactly one year, and God went before us and made it possible for us to all get along fine. It's truly been a miracle.

Just think, I now get to go out to lunch at least two days a week instead of one! I decided that would be nice for Mom. She sees her one friend once a month, but other than that she's here, sitting on the front porch in the morning and sitting in the back yard in the afternoon if the weather is good.

Ninety years old. I honestly don't want to reach that birthday. Nor eighty. And ten years ago I prayed that I wouldn't reach seventy. The longer I stay in this body on this earth, the more I desire being with God.

As lovely as my garden is, and the enjoyment I have sitting in the garden early in the morning, I know I will be awed at His creation in heaven. As thrilled as I get when I see a fawn, or calf, or lamb and get some snaps of it, I will be overwhelmed to be able to lie down with a lion and lamb in heaven. As much as I crave eating chocolate, ice cream and potato chips, I know I will be satisfied with eating from the tree of life and its delicious fruit in heaven.

There will be no depression, broken heart, headaches or sadness in heaven. My heart, mind and emotions will be overwhelemed at the love of my Father.

We'll try and make Mom's special day a happy one, and I'll continue celebrating the entire month of my own birthday when it comes. But because Jesus died for me and forgives my sins, I can hardly wait until my eyes see my Savior when I arrive in His heavenly home.

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