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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Theory . . . and a laugh!

The other evening three of our herd of buck came up to eat. It's always special when they come up when we're sitting out there. Of course, there's definitely rank and file as Mr. Big Guy tells the younger guy to move, like in the picture below!

As I mentioned in my July 10th post, November, four years ago, I asked God to provide opportunities for me to take pictures of buck. I'd taken a good number of snaps of does and fawn, but very few of buck. So I petitioned God for this desire.

The very next July is when our herd of buck began coming up! Every evening. Every morning. It wasn't until that August I remembered my prayer of the November before. When God does something He does it in a big way!

My theory that our herd of buck keep coming up is because they've been eating at our back gate since they were fawn. We've been putting out corn for 10 years now, and each spring we'll have two to five fawns to enjoy. These same fawn, now grown, are coming back to their favorite eating place because it's they're normal routine.

So when I see the fawns below from this year, we just may have nine or ten buck in another year!

Last Saturday I found this doe and fawn on a hillside enjoying the early morning cool

My photo shoots on Saturday mornings will be coming to an end. Mornings are beginning later as the sun keeps coming up later. It has certainly been a treat going out looking for fawn. Don't get me wrong. If I see fawn through the fall months I'll definitely take their picture.

It's been a thrill this July and August to go snapping for deer! I wonder what I'll get into next!

Now for your laugh . . . the other evening Jerry and I were sitting out back and Tweezers (below) came up. Jerry named him Tweezers last year because when you look straight at him his antlers are in the shape of tweezers. Tweezers is not one of the herd, but comes up each day by himself. He's very comfortable around us. He was enjoying the corn for awhile when a squirrel from the far side of the yard started running across the top rail of the fence. It stopped at the post closest to Tweezer. After a few minutes the squirrel climbed down the rail and sat there. In a flash, he ran around the back of Tweezer over to the corn on the other side of the fence. He promptly sat down and started eating. We laughed! He didn't want to sit next to that big brown thing, so he decided on his plan of action and took off! Smart squirrel!

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