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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Oh Deer

As many of you know, I love to photograph deer. I'm not sure what it is about them, but they bring me joy. July and August is when I purposely go out looking for fawn. Since I no longer drive to work, this season I've been going out early Saturday mornings, about 6 a.m., and driving those roads where I've seen deer. Sometimes I'm successful, and sometimes not.

The other week, on one of my favorite secluded roads, I found Mom and her twins. They let me snap for 3 minutes until they were no longer in my sight. Mom wasn't concerned about me and just moseyed while the twins were a little more cautious. The snap above and the three below are from that morning.

You can be assured I'll be going out again next Saturday!

Some of you may remember a few years ago in November I asked God to bring some buck my way so I could photograph them. I hadn't been successful in finding many buck, and I wanted to photograph them too! The very next summer was when our herd of buck started showing up in our backyard.

The below two snaps were taken that first summer looking into our neighbors yard. I enjoyed seeing the two young bucks taking a drink out of our neighbors bird bath.

This week God provided opportunity for me to snap our herd of buck again. I posted the first one on Facebook last week, but here are a few more that I like. Look at that rack!

This second one I snapped behind our wood pile. I had taken Sam out a little before 7 that evening. I looked down the lane and saw the herd making their way to our backyard. I ran back to the house, grabbed my glasses and camera, left Sam in and ran back down to the woodpile. They started coming around the corner just as I got there.

They didn't know I was there for about 30 seconds when a few of them realized something wasn't right. They stayed about 3 minutes until one of them snorted. They ran down to the corner and let me take some more snaps.Never been so close to get a snap like the one below!

The only thing about having our herd of buck is the doe arn't coming up, which in turn means, no fawn. But it's been a joy having these buck come up in the evenings from July through November. Occasionally we see them in the morning too.

One of my favorite snaps of fawn in our back yard is the first time Mom brought her triplets up. I had Jerry take down the middle rail earlier so I could see the fawn better.

So . . . the beat goes on as I continue to snap deer. Who would have ever thought I'd have my own herd of buck when we started putting corn out back some 10 years ago. What a thrill!

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