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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

God's Amazing Creation

Last week my friend, Shari, brought me a chrysalis in a small cage. She said it would take about a week before it changed into a butterfly.  We put it up on the side of the butterfly house in my garden, taking some snaps that first day.

The next morning, while leaving to go out, I looked over and there was a butterfly! It had changed overnight. I was looking forward to getting some pictures along the way, but it had other ideas.

I never saw this transformation as a child, and I am delighted I saw it now. If Shari finds another chrysalis in her yard, she's going to bring it to me.

Most of us have read about the transformation one receives when they call to Christ and their soul is saved comparing it to a butterfly. I'm so glad I got to witness this example in God's creation!

 My gardens are coming along well with all the rain we've been having. I sit out there most mornings and enjoy the quiet time with God.

I've been out a few mornings driving the old roads looking for fawn. I haven't seen many and couldn't get snaps of the ones I did see. I miss driving early morning and seeing the start of a new day. I'll keep going out early Saturday mornings, when there's no traffic, to find fawn, as much to enjoy the quiet and stillness of the day as to seeing fawn!

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