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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Almost Well

I've been sick. For two weeks. Its been miserable. I can't remember the last time I was this sick. Its been many years.

Jerry got sick five days after me. Broncitus, walking pneumonia and sinus infections took up residence on Ridge Road. And just a few days ago I began a head cold with blowing and sneezing. I guess it didn't want to be left out.

Being sick helped me remember things I'm thankful for. I was sitting there feeling miserable when it dawned on me, "You don't have a headache." A little pressure in my head, but not a headache. As many of  you know, I've lived with headaches most of my adult life. And if not for finding a medicine that has virtually stopped them, I'd still have them. That is indeed something to be thankful for. Even while I'm sick.

I'm thankful I'm retired and don't have to worry about being off work. It always was a burden being out sick. Being sick was worry enough.

I was miserable, yet my illness was not life threatening. My friend, Janet, is battling cancer; has been for five years now. Her choices are dwindling. My woes brought misery; her woes may cost her life.

I'm thankful for all the words God has given me to encourage the hearts of others. My own heart uses those same words to help me get through each day.

And, amazingly, Mom hasn't gotten sick. Now that's a miracle!

While I worked a draft of this post Jerry read it. "I've have similar thoughts too," he said, "I think about the pioneers in wagon trains and log homes. They couldn't turn up the thermometer to get warm or call a doctor for a prescription. It helps me be thankful remembering I have a warm home and medicine to take. They didn't have chocolate ice cream either!"

Yes, I've been sick. For two weeks. It's been miserable. But it's almost over. My days of doing a little bit of nothing will soon be replaced with a little bit of something. I can hardly wait.

Praise God. He carried me through!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for reminding me to be thankful in the little things. You are such a blessing to me and so many others!


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Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...