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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Note for the Notewriter

Yesterday I received a note from a lady at my church. I met her when I started attending the Sunday School class she goes too. There was an empty seat next to her, and I knew the lady on the other side of the empty seat, so I took it.

I didn't think she liked me, or liked me sitting next to her. She never talked to me. There wasn't any offer of friendliness, and God knows I'm not outgoing in a new situation.

I was curious though. It took about six months of sitting beside her to break the ice. (Most of the ladies sat in the same seats week after week.) So I always sat next to her.

I began sending her notes of encouragement, and asking for prayer. Our teacher shared with me a little about her life, and I slowly started drawing her out. We both attend the early service, and I tried to always give her a hug.

One day out of the blue she sent me a note. It said: "The next time you feel a smile coming on for no particular reason at all, maybe that's me thinking of you with a thankful prayer." I truly was surprised.

I don't go to her Sunday School class anymore, but we always find each other in the worship service during greeting time and hug. A comfortable relationship is between us now and it's a joy to see her on Sunday mornings.

Yesterday I received a note from her. "Always a pleasure to see you. Your smile is so nice to see. Sending you a special hug . . . "

I'm always blessed when I receive an encouraging note from someone. I certainly know what a note can do for someone, and I'm thankful for the ones I receive. We all need to know someone is thinking about us to put that smile in our hearts and continue plowing through life.

A note is extra special when you know the person who sent it may be stretching themselves in making the contact. Thank you, Hilda. I'm so glad you let this quiet women enter your heart and share God's love with you. You certainly bless mine!

The lovely camellia bloom is from the plants I bought last month.

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