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Monday, May 7, 2012

Oklahoma Dirt

I was thrilled to be driving to Oklahoma to visit with my sister, Kathy. She has lived there most of her adult life, having moved there with the love of her life, David, when they fell in love. David is from Oklahoma. Although we daily email, and converse once a month or so, nothing takes the place as seeing her in person and spending time together.

Oklahoma is full of lovely ponds along the interstate, and dirt roads. I use to fly out there to see her, but more recently, Jerry and I have driven. The first time we did I was amazed at how many ponds are along the highway. I loved seeing them! This snap was actually closer to town.

And the dirt roads! Kathy and I go out twice, early in the morning, to drive the dirt roads. They just hold a fascination to me, and seeing how middle America lives. The snap below just refreshes me!

Jerry and David, Kathy's husband, enjoy the same things and spent a lot of times by themselves. Jerry especially enjoyed bringing home a M1917 Eddystone, built in 1918, that he bought from David. They spent the good part of a day at the range, shooting at 500 yards. They are both shooters and enjoy the sport immensely. Jerry also enjoyed the biblical discussions he had with David.

Kathy and I didn't go a lot of places. I was satisfied just sitting in her home and enjoying her company. Kathy croquets, and she was working on an afhgan for a friend. The colors were my colors, and we immediately went out and purchased enough yarn for one for me. Kathy said she had been thinking of making me something soon, so this fit into her plan and my joy! The colors are cranberry and green, and the yarn color is called  Cranberry Apple. It looks more like turquoise in the picture below.

As many of you know, I love taking pictures of animal babies. One of the things I noticed on the drive out were "calf nurseries", or so I called them. I didn't get the snaps I wanted; Jerry wasn't keen on stopping on a moments notice on the interstate, but the one below I did manage to take of five calves all laying together in the snap below, left. 

In a field of cattle, you'd see groups of calves lying together with one cow, and all the other cows would be in other areas. It made me laugh to see this, and thus named them "calf nurseries." In this picture, one cow was off to the left a little farther than usual, so she didn't get in the snap. This was our third drive out there, and I was so hoping to get some good snaps of my "calf nurseries." This will have to do for now.

  Here is a snap of a group of cows that I liked.
Kathy had some beautiful roses blooming in her yard. The smell was heavenly!

I enjoyed a series of fiction books by Beverly Lewis while in Oklahoma. They were fast reads and it was nice relaxing with a good book.

The drive home was long--three full days of driving. We were tired when we finally arrived home. But we made it!
After unloading the car, we left to pick up Sam who was taking a vacation at a couple's home with their two dogs. She was happy to see us, and now we've gotten back into our routine.

It was nice to be away . . . but it's always great to be home.

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