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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

On the Air

Saturday, March 17th, the program, "To the Point," will air my radio interview for my book, Changing Lives One Note at a Time. You can hear it on 1450 AM and 1520 AM between 9 and 10 Saturday morning. You can also "LISTEN LIVE" at

How did this happen . . .

Early January my friend, Jim, asked me if I was interested in a radio interview for my book. He use to work with a man at a radio station and could give me his name. I told him I would think about it and get back to him. I'm certainly not a professional speaker, and I'm unable to talk off "the top of my head" as they say, so I wasn't sure about this opportunity.

After a few weeks I emailed Jim and said I'd like to give it a try. Jim called his former co-worker, Michael Betteridge, General Manager, of WTHU radio, which airs out of Thurmont, Maryland, and spoke to him about the interview. WTHU, a small Christian station, is nestled up against the beautiful Catoctin Mountains. Currently owned and operated by the Christian Radio Coalition, Inc. - The Source Radio Network is a network of news, music, information, sports and local community programming.

Because of Jim's contact, I was set up for my first radio interview. As I prepared notes, God seemed to be saying, "Just be yourself." I found a calmness resting in my soul leading up to the schedule day.

As most of my friends know, talking isn't my greatest asset. I still have trouble talking in a group of people. I found, though, if I have the words typed up, I am able to read my notes in front of people. And it works well.

But I wouldn't be reading my notes for the interview. I wasn't given any questions before the take, so I had to do a lot of "off the top of my head" talking before finding something I wanted to say in my notes. It definitely wasn't easy.

There were four 12 minute sessions and we talked inbetween the breaks. Before I knew it, I was done!

My interviewer, Vicki Grinder, was a pleasant women about 30 years old. Her professional efforts made it easier for me. Michael Betteridge was taping, and also offered comments between sessions.

After Vicki left, Michael sat down and shared how the radio station came to be. He also mentioned that Vicki was not saved. I thanked God for providing an opportunity to share my heart to someone that doesn't know Him.

Thank you, Jim, for a wonderful opportunity to share my heart about writing encouraging notes. I'm so glad God can take an ordinary person, without the skills in a certain area, and have the extraordinary happen.

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Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...