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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Another Visit to the Barnyard

Last Saturday I got another opportunity to snap lambs at the barnyard! The sheep were being sheared and 57 lambs were running around! You can imagine my thrill level!

It was a bright, sunny day. I always have problems taking pictures when it is sunny. I didn't waste time though, and snapped 385 pictures. Most will be for my personal enjoyment, but I did get a few that I will make into notecards.

The three lambs above were so adorable! And below, the black lamb wanted into the mix.
You can see I was enjoying myself while holding this cute lamb. Jerry rounded him up for me and he was heavy! But he did give me a few minutes to enjoy him while Jerry snapped.
Next is a picture around the barnyard with Hunter, the protector. There was a parked car behind Hunter's head, so with the magic of Photoshop I took it out. The sun was still an issue, but it works. And the one below it is another barnyard snap.

Inside the barn, in one of the stalls, I loved seeing the little two black lambs on the left and the pole, almost hidden by momma, and the little black lamb on the right. A little farther back two white lambs were playing around mom and I got one on her back. It was a good show!

The next snap is ladies in waiting. Everything was calm and relaxed. Their turn to come!

The next two are shouting their displeasure!

Hunter and I were having a discussion. I was telling him there was no reason to get mad and spit. He apparently agreed.

It was a fine day in the barnyard. I'm thankful for the opportunity to visit with all the sheep and lambs. One more adorable lamb below!

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