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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Another Visit to the Barnyard

Last Saturday I got another opportunity to snap lambs at the barnyard! The sheep were being sheared and 57 lambs were running around! You can imagine my thrill level!

It was a bright, sunny day. I always have problems taking pictures when it is sunny. I didn't waste time though, and snapped 385 pictures. Most will be for my personal enjoyment, but I did get a few that I will make into notecards.

The three lambs above were so adorable! And below, the black lamb wanted into the mix.
You can see I was enjoying myself while holding this cute lamb. Jerry rounded him up for me and he was heavy! But he did give me a few minutes to enjoy him while Jerry snapped.
Next is a picture around the barnyard with Hunter, the protector. There was a parked car behind Hunter's head, so with the magic of Photoshop I took it out. The sun was still an issue, but it works. And the one below it is another barnyard snap.

Inside the barn, in one of the stalls, I loved seeing the little two black lambs on the left and the pole, almost hidden by momma, and the little black lamb on the right. A little farther back two white lambs were playing around mom and I got one on her back. It was a good show!

The next snap is ladies in waiting. Everything was calm and relaxed. Their turn to come!

The next two are shouting their displeasure!

Hunter and I were having a discussion. I was telling him there was no reason to get mad and spit. He apparently agreed.

It was a fine day in the barnyard. I'm thankful for the opportunity to visit with all the sheep and lambs. One more adorable lamb below!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

On the Air

Saturday, March 17th, the program, "To the Point," will air my radio interview for my book, Changing Lives One Note at a Time. You can hear it on 1450 AM and 1520 AM between 9 and 10 Saturday morning. You can also "LISTEN LIVE" at

How did this happen . . .

Early January my friend, Jim, asked me if I was interested in a radio interview for my book. He use to work with a man at a radio station and could give me his name. I told him I would think about it and get back to him. I'm certainly not a professional speaker, and I'm unable to talk off "the top of my head" as they say, so I wasn't sure about this opportunity.

After a few weeks I emailed Jim and said I'd like to give it a try. Jim called his former co-worker, Michael Betteridge, General Manager, of WTHU radio, which airs out of Thurmont, Maryland, and spoke to him about the interview. WTHU, a small Christian station, is nestled up against the beautiful Catoctin Mountains. Currently owned and operated by the Christian Radio Coalition, Inc. - The Source Radio Network is a network of news, music, information, sports and local community programming.

Because of Jim's contact, I was set up for my first radio interview. As I prepared notes, God seemed to be saying, "Just be yourself." I found a calmness resting in my soul leading up to the schedule day.

As most of my friends know, talking isn't my greatest asset. I still have trouble talking in a group of people. I found, though, if I have the words typed up, I am able to read my notes in front of people. And it works well.

But I wouldn't be reading my notes for the interview. I wasn't given any questions before the take, so I had to do a lot of "off the top of my head" talking before finding something I wanted to say in my notes. It definitely wasn't easy.

There were four 12 minute sessions and we talked inbetween the breaks. Before I knew it, I was done!

My interviewer, Vicki Grinder, was a pleasant women about 30 years old. Her professional efforts made it easier for me. Michael Betteridge was taping, and also offered comments between sessions.

After Vicki left, Michael sat down and shared how the radio station came to be. He also mentioned that Vicki was not saved. I thanked God for providing an opportunity to share my heart to someone that doesn't know Him.

Thank you, Jim, for a wonderful opportunity to share my heart about writing encouraging notes. I'm so glad God can take an ordinary person, without the skills in a certain area, and have the extraordinary happen.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Tea Time

I've visited Gypsy's Tea Room, in Westminster, several times and enjoyed the delicacies of Royal Tea. I've enjoyed fluted fruit beverages, scones with clotted cream and spread, fresh fruit and assorted sweets. Must say I'm not sure what fluted fruit is or clotted cream, but most everything I ate was delicious!

The last time I was there I noticed a book nook. So I wandered over to it and noticed a lower shelf said, "Local Authors." Taking a few minutes to build up my courage, I asked about having my book in the shop.

One thing led to another and I found myself taking pictures around the tea rooms to make note cards. I created two tea scenes from my own tiny collection to show as an example of what I do. The above snap I displayed my Longaberger Tea Set and basket, Longaberger pitcher with flowers, and lovely hankerchiefs to add a touch of elegance. The snap below is a tea cup and saucer, Autumn Leaf series, which a former co-worker gave me from his collection when I changed jobs to come to the convention. Another Longaberger basket and a bouquet of hankerchiefs completed the scene.

I enjoyed the snaps taken at Gypsy's and thought you might too! Below are some snaps around her shop!

Yes, it's tea time, and I'm thankful for another opportunity to display my book and note cards.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Now That's a Lamb!

Spring must be on its way! Farms are booming with new lambs.

Last week I had the joy of visiting Shepherds Manor Creamery in New Windsor. Michael, the owner, took me and Jerry inside the barn to meet the new lambs.

Most of the lambs were still in their pen, but there were a few that I could snap in the clear. The sheep above was by herself in the back of the barn.

I went to the back of the pen area to find the youngest (below) laying quietly beside its twin.

I was pleased that it stood up a little while later!

Hunter, the llama, is the protector of the pen. Michael said he sometimes spits. He came a little close to interrogate me, but must have decided I was ok. No spitting.

Of all the snaps I took, I think the one below is my favorite. She's a lady in waiting, serenely resting until her turn to deliver her lambs.

It was a joyful day to stand among newborn lambs and admire God's creativity. We were invited back on the 17th to watch the sheep being sheared. (And get some more snaps of all those little lambs who will probably be running around by then!)


"Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." Psalm 119:105 Stephen Darbishire, Louises Favourite Pictures Facebook page ...