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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Riding Around

I recently visited my sister, Kathy, in Oklahoma. It was a good visit--especially since she took me out on photo shoots three mornings! We took in many of the roads, just outside the towm limit of Enid.

To our surprise, the snap above is the favorite of Jerry and me. Yes, a dirt road. Jerry says, "It speaks volumes." This is middle America . . . flat land and dirt roads. A completely different way of life in our modern world. I found some envy in the quite countryside of long straight roads.

I noticed quickly the ponds along the side of the roads when we crossed over into Oklahoma. They were everywhere.

Cattle and oil drills relaxing together. (Oil Drill behind the tree on the left--hard to see.)

I felt an invitation to join the cattle here as they stood by the open gate.(Oil drill can be seen better here, just inside the left post.)

Cattle on the side of the road. As we got closer there was a baby!

I even snapped a white crane taking off! I saw a number of them in different ponds.

This was a familiar scene along the dirt roads.

Jerry snapped this big guy!

And, of course, barns and windmills.

Graineries too.

Horses too.

It was a good time, a welcome visit, and a great photo shoot!

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