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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sometimes I'd like to be a duck . . .

Many years ago as I drove to work in the morning, I’d past a pond half frozen and watch ducks taking a bath. What a chuckle I’d have! Frigid temperatures and here those ducks were relishing a fresh bath! I’d still be slowly warming up to the heat in the car.

I enjoyed that scene again, recently, and it just brought back good memories. The other week I stopped at a pond I pass and shot the above scene. Serene and tranquil, the geese having a quiet start to their day . . . some bathing . . . a beautiful example of God’s handiwork.

The rushed drivers who watched me pull over and walk to the pond probably were wondering what that crazy woman was doing. But once God has opened your eyes to His beauty and creation, well, I’ll do just about anything to get that shot!

The scene below is a fountain that refreshed me as I drove by.

The next time you pass a pond in the middle of winter and see those ducks taking a bath, thank God for His beautiful creation and His amazing works. What a delight!

The scene below was taken the morning after our fresh snow Tuesday night. It's a favorite farm I love to photograph in any season. I got a different view that morning through the fence. There were many geese in the pond and they began taking off. It's just a delightful memory!


  1. I have left a commentary on your email at work.

  2. Through your camera's eye, you have captured a visual image that life continues even when all "appears" dead. A good reminder that all it not as it appears, and that underneath winter, spring awaits. Thank you for pulling over and taking the time to "see" what others pass over.


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