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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Majesty and Control

I was drawn to one of my favorite books in the Bible this week: Job, and it is the majesty and splendor of God's words from Chapter 38 to the end of the book that thrill my soul. You cannot read these words without realizing that God is All Powerful, All Mighty and in control of All things. It brings a renewed awe of all He has created, and reminds me that He is in control of all things, even though I don't understand.

But there is also another point made that demands our attention. Affliction. Job shows us "that there is a benevolent divine purpose running through the sufferings of the godly, and that life's bitterest enigmas are reconcilable with this purpose did we but know the facts."1 As with Job, when baffling affliction comes my way I may know, as a believer, that the same holds good for me--"that there is a purpose for it in the counsel of heaven, and a foreknown outcome of blessing."1

These thoughts and words were affirmed to me, when in chapel at my work this week, the teacher spoke from Isaish 55:8&9: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

It helps me to know it doesn't matter if I know why things happen . . . God knows! "God permitted Job's trials to prove that a person could love God for Himself without thought of reward, and that a loving, sovereign God is always in control though our own knowledge and understanding are limited."1

"Faith enables me to relinquish my need to know why the unthinkable happens and instead to trust the One who so irrefutably proved Himself worthy of my trust by the sacrifice of His own Son's life for my sake." Mayo Mathers

Job thrills my soul with all God is and comforts my soul that He is in control. This inspires me!

and Job also gives me ". . . treasures of the snow . . . " (38:22) and I like that!

1 The Liberty Bible Commentary


  1. God is certainly our sure Defense in times of trouble and a place of refuge. He is in control, and remembering all that He has brought my through, I know I can trust Him for the rest. Thanks so much for your words of encouragement!
    Love the photos :D

  2. It was fun to come and read here. I especially appreciate your encouragment in note writing and I agree totally with the writer who shared "If you want to be lefted up write a note to someone", this is a sure cure for the blues everytime. Also wanted to comment on your Sam we also have one though the name is different his name is Dan. They totally look alike. Amazing! SO fun to get to know you.


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