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Tuesday, November 5, 2024


The devotion I read this morning in "Look Unto Me: The Devotions of Charles Spurgeon" compiled by Jim Reimann, gave me hope that today, November 5, 2024, our country will prevail as a notable date in our history of God's deliverance.

Scripture verse: "No weapon forged against You will prevail." Isaiah 54:17 

Spurgeon wrote: "Two great events of God's deliverance prevailed on this date. In 1605 there was a plot to destroy England's House of Parliament, and it was uncovered and defeated. In 1688 William III landed at Torbay, England and support was gained to secure religious liberty.

"Our Puritan forefathers were quite devout in making today a special time of thanksgiving. In fact, a record of Matthew Henry's sermons preached in celebration of this day still exists. Our Protestant sense and our love of liberty should make us regard this anniversary with holy gratitude. May our hearts and mouths exclaim, 'We have heard with our ears, O God; our fathers have told us what you did in their days, in days long age.' (Psalm 44:1)

"May the heart of everyone who loves the gospel of Jesus be burdened today to plead for the destruction of false doctrines and the advancement of God's truth."

Today is an important day in the history of the United States. We are at the brink of destruction of America as a nation founded on Godly principles. My hope is, this too, will be a notable date in our history of God's deliverance.

As I pray each morning, I thank God for being in control of ALL THINGS and for knowing everything. His Will will be played out today and through the rest of history until Jesus returns to this earth.

We can have confidence that whatever happens today, whether to our liking or not, it will continue to move us forward in God's plan. He will reign again. He is in control.

By His Grace . . .

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