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Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Someone to Thank


And let us give thanks for Someone to thank.” 
Gerhard E. Frost

I was looking through my quotation book, “Draper’s Book of Quotations for the Christian World,” to see if there were any quotes about Thanksgiving I could use in this post and came across the one above.

I liked the words and decided to look up the person who said it. I could find no information on the writer except for the simple words, “he was a well-known author, speaker, Bible teacher, and seminary professor.”

I found out the quote is the last line in a poem Frost wrote titled: Let Us Give Thanks.” The poem is appropriate for this month of Thanksgiving.

 “Let us give thanks this moment: for the sturdy fact of God’s continuing love, for mercies which go before us and follow after us, for those free gifts which cost God so much.

 “Let us give thanks: for memory and expectation, for the good that we have known and know today in Jesus Christ, for the Spirit’s brooding presence in our nights and our days.

 “Let us give thanks: for pleasures which comfort and pains which force our growth and keep us at the Shepherd’s side, for deep meanings revealed and mysteries mercifully concealed, for the image of God within us, the capacity to inquire and adore.

  “Let us give thanks for one another, for just being together, for differences that complement and  complete, for gifts which enrich and disagreements which challenge, for our oneness in Christ.

"Let us give thanks for melody and mirth, for rhythm and beat, for the repeated and the common, for the ever-unfolding, and for senses with which to respond.

And let us give thanks for Someone to thank."

There are many reasons you may have to be thankful this year. Family, health, work, love, abilities, friends, and hundreds of other reasons. Yet, there is Someone who gave us a Person to believe in, to live for and to thank for all things. That Someone is God, our Redeemer and Savior, Jesus Christ.

 Happy Thanksgiving!

By His Grace . . .

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Spiritual Fervor


“Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you burn.”
John Wesley

I like that quote. Especially the words “catch on fire with enthusiasm.” People are attracted to others that are enthusiastic and alive in spiritual fervor.

Being on 24 hours a day, seven days a week can be tough though. The ups and downs are part of life and we tend to sway with what is happening at the time. But our hearts and souls can still be secure and confident in our Lord. And other people will see that.

"Never allow anything to cause your heart to beat more strongly than it does from your love for God. Let this ambition be the fire of your soul. the foundation of every endeavor you begin, and your sustaining motivation when your zeal for Him starts to cool."
Charles Spurgeon
Look Unto Me

If you are using the gift(s) God has given you, your example will help others be encouraged. Using your gift(s) is an easy thing, for God doesn’t have us do something that He doesn’t equip us for and give us joy in doing.

When you first came to Christ, did you spend some time discovering your spiritual gift? Finding it most likely sparked your spiritual fire, so ready were you to serve God by using it to grow His Kingdom. But, as the years went by, your initial spark may have died out.

“It’s time to fan back into a flame those embers of your gift so that you can serve God in a way no one else can. God equipped you with a unique talent. Use it, knowing that He has also given you the power, peace, love, and mind to do so.” Wanda E. Brunstetter, The Prayer Jar Devotional: HOPE

Do you remember how you realized your gift(s)? What happen that brought understanding that said: “This is what God wants me to do?” For me, someone who I didn’t know, except for passing in the hallway at church, sent me a note to encourage me. It made such an impact in my life that I knew I wanted to do that for others. That’s how I started my note writing ministry.

Chris Tiegreen, in his book “Walk With God” asked this question: “How would you characterize your level of zeal? Does it drive you to pursue God’s Kingdom and His righteousness with a passion? If He dwells within you and your fellowship with Him is deep, it will. It is not possible to be powerfully filled with the Holy Spirit and yet to be lukewarm in our love or our service.

You should enjoy and love doing what God has given you do to. Your zeal and passion should drive you to do God’s work. Find that flame you discovered when you were saved. Let it burn!

Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.”
Romans 12:11

Let the Lord inspire you to serve with courage and passion. "Catch on fire with enthusiasm" and let your life touch others with God’s love. 

By His Grace . . . 

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Always Go Up

"Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer.
From the ends of the earth I call to you,
I call as my heart grows faint;
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I."
Psalm 61:1-2

This Scripture verse is one of the first ones I was directed to as a new Christian. I called my sister for emotional support, and her husband said to read Psalm 61.

"The Rock. The psalm conveys a desire for elevation, asking God to 'lead me to the rock that is higher than I.' Here, the metaphor of the rock signifies divine stability, safety, and strength—elements that are essential for overcoming life's challenges. The rock represents God Himself, who provides refuge and protection."  

David knew there would be times when his heart was overwhelmed. In those moments he needed a place of stability, a place above himself and someone to lead him.

I've needed this Rock my times as I've walked with God. Through sorrow, disappointment, sadness and hurt, I've gone to Psalm 61 and read those words directing me to the Rock. Reassuring me that my God was there, will always be there and I could rest in Him.

"This means the Rock that is too high for me, the Rock that I cannot reach unaided . . . And just Who is that Rock? This Rock is Christ. For ancient Israel, the Rock was a symbol of the love and protection of God, a figure of the security, serenity and protection provided for the believer by the Lord. For this generation, 'Our Lord Jesus Christ is the true Rock for human souls.'" Coffman’s Commentaries on the Bible

Our Rock is our one true defense and refuge where we will be lifted up and enabled to bear rough times. It's so easy to forget to call on God when we're overwhelmed with hard times. Yet, He is the only One who can get us through those hard times. 

My sister and her husband prayed for me for five years after they were saved. And I continue to be encouraged by them. I will always be thankful to them for leading me to this Scripture verse when I was a new Christian.

"Christ is the Rock on which the Christian church is built; and of the streams that issue therefrom, all believers drink, and are refreshed. It typified the sacred influences of the Holy Spirit, as given to believers through Christ."
Matthew Henry

By His Grace . . .

Tuesday, November 5, 2024


The devotion I read this morning in "Look Unto Me: The Devotions of Charles Spurgeon" compiled by Jim Reimann, gave me hope that today, November 5, 2024, our country will prevail as a notable date in our history of God's deliverance.

Scripture verse: "No weapon forged against You will prevail." Isaiah 54:17 

Spurgeon wrote: "Two great events of God's deliverance prevailed on this date. In 1605 there was a plot to destroy England's House of Parliament, and it was uncovered and defeated. In 1688 William III landed at Torbay, England and support was gained to secure religious liberty.

"Our Puritan forefathers were quite devout in making today a special time of thanksgiving. In fact, a record of Matthew Henry's sermons preached in celebration of this day still exists. Our Protestant sense and our love of liberty should make us regard this anniversary with holy gratitude. May our hearts and mouths exclaim, 'We have heard with our ears, O God; our fathers have told us what you did in their days, in days long age.' (Psalm 44:1)

"May the heart of everyone who loves the gospel of Jesus be burdened today to plead for the destruction of false doctrines and the advancement of God's truth."

Today is an important day in the history of the United States. We are at the brink of destruction of America as a nation founded on Godly principles. My hope is, this too, will be a notable date in our history of God's deliverance.

As I pray each morning, I thank God for being in control of ALL THINGS and for knowing everything. His Will will be played out today and through the rest of history until Jesus returns to this earth.

We can have confidence that whatever happens today, whether to our liking or not, it will continue to move us forward in God's plan. He will reign again. He is in control.

By His Grace . . .

Just A Few Weeks

Poetry Lovers FB Page, Angie Weiland Cresaby "Honestly, some days you just need a few weeks to yourself. " Jonathan Edward Durham ...