Gerhard E. Frost
I was looking through my quotation book, “Draper’s Book
of Quotations for the Christian World,” to see if there were any quotes
about Thanksgiving I could use in this post and came across the one above.
I liked the words and decided to look up the person who said
it. I could find no information on the writer except for the simple words, “he
was a well-known author, speaker, Bible teacher, and seminary professor.”
I found out the quote is the last line in a poem Frost wrote titled: “Let Us Give Thanks.” The poem is appropriate
for this month of Thanksgiving.
“Let us give thanks: for memory and expectation, for the good that we have known and know today in Jesus Christ, for the Spirit’s brooding presence in our nights and our days.
“Let us give thanks: for pleasures which comfort and pains which force our growth and keep us at the Shepherd’s side, for deep meanings revealed and mysteries mercifully concealed, for the image of God within us, the capacity to inquire and adore.
“Let us give thanks for one another, for just being together, for differences that complement and complete, for gifts which enrich and disagreements which challenge, for our oneness in Christ.
"Let us give thanks for melody and mirth, for rhythm and beat, for the repeated and the common, for the ever-unfolding, and for senses with which to respond.
By His Grace . . .