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Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Goldenrod bringing beauty to a field on Fisher Road.

Most of us have heard or read this expression before: "The size of my faith doesn't matter. I'm confident in the size of my God."

It is true. We are told if we only have faith the size of a mustard seed, we can move mountains. He is BIG. He is ABLE. He can MOVE mountains! He tells us this is Matthew 17:20:

"Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Jesus' disciples couldn't heal a young boy who was having seizures and suffering greatly. Bridgeway Bible Commentary said:  "They [the disciples] needed a faith that relied completely upon the unlimited capacity of the all-powerful God and that expressed itself through sincere prayer."

I want my faith to be that big. To be huge. To be a giant in my life. To completely captivate me. That I always know the all-powerful God is able and willing to move mountains [my most difficult undertakings].

How do we get a deep settled confidence in God that gives us this giant faith? Jeremy Myers on said: "There are truths in Scripture, life, and theology that are hard to believe, but people with great faith believe them. Such ideas often take great thought, insight, understanding, research, investigation, or deep spiritual experiences in order to believe them. When people come to believe these things, they believe something that few others believe, and can therefore be described as having great faith."

Giant faith prays and prevails. Giant faith believes all of the Bible, even those parts that we can't understand. We take God at His Word, and in turn, we know He is capable of any and all sizes of need.

I am confident in the size of my God. And I have a deep settled confidence in His ability. It gives me giant faith. How big is your faith? Make it GIANT! 

By His Grace . . .

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