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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Eyes Following You

Peonies are blooming! I love the beautiful blooms!
People are always watching us. Just like we watch other people. I've always tried to stay in the background because I haven't wanted people to watch me. I learned later in life that if you try too hard to not be seen, eyes are pulled to you because you're different.

Am I self-conscious? Maybe. We all have our own little tendencies.

But people do watch us. Especially those who are not Christians. To see if you are living what you talk. To catch you doing something that doesn't sound or look like what a Christian would do. It's important to have a faith we are confident in. When we do our walk will be one that displays God's love.

I recently was reminded of this truth: "But the Lord watches over those who fear Him, those who rely on His unfailing love." Psalm 33:18. I confess, God is definitely who I want watching me; not because of anything good I do, but because of His all-knowing and all-caring love for me.

Susie Larson, in her book, "Prevail," shared these words: 

"When we rightly honor, fear, and revere the Lord Most High, His eyes are instinctively drawn to us. think about that for a moment. When you wake in the morning, open your Bible and bow your head, God's eyes are drawn to you. When you go about your day and you whisper a prayer and acknowledge His presence, His eyes are drawn to you. When you're faced with a choice to walk in His way or your own, and you choose His--because you love Him--His eyes are drawn to you with great affection and tenderness Just imagine! . . . The beautiful thing about walking intimately with God and reverently honoring Him is that we are continually drawn to Him, and He to us."

God's eyes are definitely whose eyes I want watching me. All the time. Knowing He's watching me helps me to have a stronger faith, live in a way pleasing to Him and praise Him as I go through each day.

There are always eyes following you. With a deep settled confidence that God is on your side, you'll always do your best to represent Him wisely. 

Eyes following you. Represent your Savior at all times.

By His Grace . . .

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