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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Dream a Little

 "For with God nothing will be impossible."
Luke 1:37

Susie Larson, in her book, "Prevail" said: "Dream a little for a moment. If you could live a miraculous life, what would that look like for you?

A miraculous life. Doesn't sound reachable. Out of the question. What dreams are made of.

What exactly does miraculous mean? The online dictionary says: "occurring through divine or supernatural intervention, or manifesting such power . . . highly improbable and extraordinary and bringing very welcome consequences." 

Clarence L Haymes, Jr., on says: “The most important thing the Bible tells us about miracles is not about the miracles themselves but the God who performs them. If there is one thing you should learn from looking at the miracles in the Bible, it is that nothing is impossible with God . . . The source of all miracles is God. He is at the center of them and is the reason miracles happen. Since there is nothing that He cannot do, that means a miracle is when the impossible becomes possible. Not because of who you are but because of who God is and His omnipotence. If nothing else, this one thought alone should build your faith.”

One thing for sure: if something is miraculous God is involved. What does that say about living a miraculous life? God must be involved in your life. There is no other way to live a miraculous life.

We must believe. We must live for Him. We must do what His Word tells us to do.

The only way you can be saturated with the thoughts of Christ
is to saturate yourself with the Book that is all about Him.”
John MacArthur

As I dream about what a miraculous life would be for me, I can dream all kinds of situations like living in a paradise where there is no evil, only good things. I can dream everyone gets along and are happy; no evil or danger exists. There's only one place where all that is though. Heaven.  

In reality, these three things come to mind for me to live a miraculous life here on earth:

1)      I must carry with me, at all times, the deep, settled confidence I have in my faith, my God and my Savior, so that whatever comes my way I can be assured that God will be with me.

2)      I must use the gifts God has given me because He brings me satisfaction and fulfillment when I’m doing what He has gifted me to do.

3)      I must be diligent in my discipline to read His Word each day, so I’m always filled with Him as I go through my days.

These three things help me live a miraculous life because I’m always filled with Him. Whatever happens I can thank God because I know He's alive inside me.

I love this picture of flowers from the garden of my friend, Kathy.

"Jesus said to him, 'If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.'"
Mark 9:23

When we ponder the works of God, we see His holiness. He does miracles and makes His power known among people. He uses the strength of His arm to redeem His people. Our God of miracles doesn't do miracles merely to amuse us or show off. God's miracles serve to reveal Him to us by making His power evident at work within our lives and the world around us.”

Dream a little with me. What would a miraculous life look like to you?

 By His Grace . . .

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Lines to Ponder


Most of you know I enjoy reading hymns. I started doing that a number of years ago and haven't stopped. In my morning devotions I thank God for many things, read and study my Bible and then pick up my hymnal and read two hymns.

I soon started highlighting lines and verses in hymns that brought me joy, comfort and caused me to stop and consider the words. There are just as many hymns in my hymnal that I don't know as those I do know. And there are so many wonderful lines and verses to consider as I go through them.

Today's post is 10 verses from hymns I've read and considered. Maybe you will too!

You fearful saints, fresh courage take; The clouds you so much dread. Are big with mercy, and shall break in blessings on your head.” Verse 2, God Moves in a Mysterious Way

Heaven above is softer blue, Earth around is sweeter green! Something lives in every hue Christless eyes have never seen; Birds with gladder songs overflow, Flowers with deeper beauties shine, Since I know, as now I know, I am His, and He is mine.” Verse 2, I Am His, and He Is Mine

Feasting on the riches of His grace, Resting ’neath His sheltering wing, Always looking on His smiling face, That is why I shout and sing.” Verse 3, He Keeps Me Singing

Love of Christ so freely given, Grace of God beyond degree, Mercy higher than the heaven, Deeper than the deepest sea! Verse 2, All That Thrills My Soul

"Like the arching of the heavens, Lift my thoughts above; Turn my dreams to noble action, Ministries of love." Verse 4, God, Who Touches Earth With Beauty

"Oh, the soul-thrilling rapture when I view His blessed face, And the luster of His kindly beaming eye; How my full heart will praise Him for the mercy, love, and grace That prepared for me a mansion in the sky. Verse 2, My Savior First of All

Forever with the Lord! Forever in His will, The promise of that faithful Word, Lord, here in me fulfill. With You at my right hand, Then I shall never fall; Uphold me, Lord, and I shall stand; Through grace I will prevail.” Verse 2, Forever With The Lord

Creator of the universe of cosmic wind and storm; Creator of all life on earth, of atom, cell and form; Of all the wonders that You are, or that You may yet be, The birth of Christ, love’s Morning Star, Your greatest gift to me.” Verse 1, Creator of the Universe  

“Let every instrument be tuned for praise! Let all rejoice who have a voice to raise! And may God give us faith to sing always. Alleluia! Alleluia!" When in Our Music God Is Glorified, Fred Pratt Green 1903-2000

And my very favorite line: “Be Thou my best thought by day or by night.” Be Thou My Vision

If you don't have a hymn book at home, buy one. It's a great addition to your faith library. When you read the words without the music you find a rich supply of inspiration, cheer, support and you walk away being filled with the Holy Spirit. Hymns are filled with the gospel story and Scripture. 

May Jesus be your best thought this day!

By His Grace . . .

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

He Rides the Heavens

 "All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen."
Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882

There’s a little-known Scripture verse that tends to be skipped over because the verse following it is well known and used often. Everybody knows about God’s Everlasting Arms" which we read about in Deuteronomy 33:27a:

“The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.”

We often sing about these everlasting arms in the hymn “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms.” You know the words: “What a fellowship, what a joy divine, Leaning on the everlasting arms; What a blessedness, what a peace is mine, Leaning on the everlasting arms; Leaning, leaning, Safe and secure from all alarms; Leaning, leaning, Leaning on the everlasting arms.”

The verse before it, though, is powerful! Verse 26 also provides the protection and security our God offers: “There is no one like the God of Jeshrun [Israel], who rides across the heavens to help you and on the clouds in His majesty.”

The words “who rides across the heavens to help you” are what stopped me. I don't remember this being emphasized before in my studies. We relate it to clouds and thunder and rain and snow and all the works God uses to help in dire situations. But to help me?

On, Calvin's Commentary on the Bible, he says: "He also extols His power, because He rides gloriously on the heavens and clouds, which is tantamount to all high things being subject to His dominion."  He has power over all things, even the demons in the air who try and do us harm.

David Platt, on said: "He rides through the skies in His majesty to help you. Would you just feel that right now? Would you just see the God of the heavens riding through them to be your help? Through the skies in His majesty coming to help you as your dwelling place." Whenever you look up into the skies, we know He is there!

Can't you just imagine that? Our God; our powerful God is all around us to help us. We never have to fear or wonder where He is. 

Charles Spurgeon wrote: “We are as surrounded by You as the earth is surrounded by the atmosphere . . . The soul has come to its resting place in God and is supported by divine strength. The heart has learned to live in Christ Jesus and to lean on Him day and night.”

We have so much security as children of God. He is everywhere. Above us; below us, and right beside us. We are held in His unshakeable grip. He is unswervingly faithful!

We have shelter from the storms of life because our God “rides across the heavens to help you and on the clouds in His majesty.” Look up! Our God is there for us.

By His Grace . . .

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Eyes Following You

Peonies are blooming! I love the beautiful blooms!
People are always watching us. Just like we watch other people. I've always tried to stay in the background because I haven't wanted people to watch me. I learned later in life that if you try too hard to not be seen, eyes are pulled to you because you're different.

Am I self-conscious? Maybe. We all have our own little tendencies.

But people do watch us. Especially those who are not Christians. To see if you are living what you talk. To catch you doing something that doesn't sound or look like what a Christian would do. It's important to have a faith we are confident in. When we do our walk will be one that displays God's love.

I recently was reminded of this truth: "But the Lord watches over those who fear Him, those who rely on His unfailing love." Psalm 33:18. I confess, God is definitely who I want watching me; not because of anything good I do, but because of His all-knowing and all-caring love for me.

Susie Larson, in her book, "Prevail," shared these words: 

"When we rightly honor, fear, and revere the Lord Most High, His eyes are instinctively drawn to us. think about that for a moment. When you wake in the morning, open your Bible and bow your head, God's eyes are drawn to you. When you go about your day and you whisper a prayer and acknowledge His presence, His eyes are drawn to you. When you're faced with a choice to walk in His way or your own, and you choose His--because you love Him--His eyes are drawn to you with great affection and tenderness Just imagine! . . . The beautiful thing about walking intimately with God and reverently honoring Him is that we are continually drawn to Him, and He to us."

God's eyes are definitely whose eyes I want watching me. All the time. Knowing He's watching me helps me to have a stronger faith, live in a way pleasing to Him and praise Him as I go through each day.

There are always eyes following you. With a deep settled confidence that God is on your side, you'll always do your best to represent Him wisely. 

Eyes following you. Represent your Savior at all times.

By His Grace . . .

I Have a HOPE!

  Last week I was working on a hymn study for the hymn " I Have a Hope. " It was written in the late 1800s. I found a few videos w...