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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Afterward: A Future Time

“You will guide me with Your counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.” 
Psalm 73:24

How often do we think about the “afterward of life” as we go through our trials, pain and heartbreak? Stacy Edwards, in her book, 100 Favorite Bible Verses, commented on the above Scripture verse:

Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that there is an afterward for those who love the Lord. What we see here and the pain we feel here is heartbreaking. The loss, betrayal, and confusion hurts. It hurts, just like four hundred years of affliction hurt [the Israelites]. But we are also promised an afterward.

“Paul was certain “that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” (Romans 8:18) Yes, there is pain, but there is an afterward. There are valleys, but we’re just passing through.

“The afflictions don’t seem light and momentary right now, but that’s because we aren’t in the afterward yet. It’s coming because He is coming, and it will happen in the twinkling of an eye. Then all the suffering will fade from our memories as we enjoy afterward.”

I love when I read something that brings out a point, enhances it and causes calm to my heart. That’s what this devotion did for me. “And afterward receive me to glory.” Sometimes we just don't dwell on the words in Scripture and miss inspiring points.

I like what Benson Commentary says about this verse: "As all those who commit themselves to God's conduct shall be guided by His counsel, so all that those who are so guided in this world shall be received to His glory in another world. If God direct us in the way of our duty and prevent our turning aside out of it; enabling us to make His Will the rule, and His glory to end of all actions. He will afterward, when out state of trial and preparation is over, receive us to His kingdom and glory." (

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary says it this way: "All who commit themselves to God, shall be guided with the counsel both of His Word and of His Spirit, the best counsellors here, and shall be received to His glory in another world; the believing hopes and prospects of which will reconcile us to all dark providences. And the psalmist was hereby quickened to cleave the closer to God. Heaven itself could not make us happy without the presence and love of our God." (

There is an afterward for all of us who accept Jesus as Savior and lives in faith for God.

All it takes is a word said a little differently, or a verse I'm not familiar with, to cause a moment of ponder and a heart of thanksgiving.

God speaks through His servants of today, just as He has spoken through His servants throughout the ages. Anything that causes us to stop and ponder is a worthwhile effort.

“Thank you, Lord, that I have the hope of an afterward
and Your promise of eternal life in Your Kingdom.”

By His Grace . . . 

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