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Tuesday, June 6, 2023

What Now?

"They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, "The Lord is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in Him."
Psalm 92:14-15

Early morning fawn spotting has begun! I have had the joy of seeing a number of baby fawn since I started going out the 3rd week of May. The one above is enjoying its meal.

It's been unusually quiet as far as seeing deer. A slow start. 

"What now?" I chose for the title of this post. IThe question is concerning my picture taking. 've noticed in the past 2 to 3 years that I can't seem to get clear snaps. I thought it was my older camera, having dropped it a few times, so I bought a new one. But I'm still having the same trouble.

A friend gave me a bean bag support that steadies the camera, and it has helped some. But I'm just not getting those clear snaps.

I can only believe that as an older individual my hands just aren't as steady as they used to be. It's upsetting, but something I know I have to accept and live with. 

There is one thing that is better in old age. Your Christian understanding. If you've led your life for Jesus and tried to learn and grow and serve Him, you reach a time when the living of everyday life is easier because you've allowed Jesus to work in your life and help you to be steady and confident in your walk.

As I've written before, deep settled confidence in your faith will help you each day to remain calm and confident as you walk life's road. 

I'm thankful for all the years I've taken pictures and what I've been able to accomplish. It brought me such joy to be out and about in the early morning taking pictures of wildlife. especially when I see bear!

I will continue on with my annual picture taking mornings. I enjoy it too much to just stop doing it. And I will still try to get good, clear snaps. 

As we age, we must accept the changes that come in our body. Sometimes we can do something about the change, like stop eating food that our body cannot process anymore. There was a time that I proudly said, "If I can't eat chocolate anymore, there's no reason so live!" Half joking, half serious. But I'm adjusting to that change too.

God walks with us through our entire life, helping us to adjust to the changes that come and learning how to move past them so we can live each day to our fullest.

What now? I will let up on my disappointment and continue doing what I can. I can still drive a car and leave in the early morning and be out and about with God's creation. I'm thankful for that!

"Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life."
Proverbs 31

I can't honestly say my life has been righteous like the above verse says, but I do know I have tried my best, and believed and lived my faith. No matter what happens as I go along, whether fuzzy snaps or vanilla cookies instead of chocolate, my faith remains a deep settled confidence in my Lord and Savior.

I'm ready to go out again tomorrow morning!

By His Grace . . . 

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