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Tuesday, May 23, 2023

"Standing on the Promises" Hymn Study With Scripture

"God makes a promise, faith believes it, hope anticipates it, patience quietly awaits it."

On the right side of the blog you'll find the next Hymn Study With Scripture," "Standing on the Promises." This is such a happy song to sing! God has so many promises and He fulfills each one as we live for Him. 

I was reading in my journal recently and found this quote: "To love is to give one's time . . . to exercise a spiritual ministry means to take time." If we want to save our time for more important matters than a soul, we are but tradesmen." Paul Tournier, 1898-1986

Love should permeate our very being and be a part of us at all times. When using your spiritual gift or ministry you have to make time.

Either way your time is involved. To show love, give love, express love, however you share love, it is a decision on your part. As Christians, it is what we strive to perfect in this life. To exercise your spiritual gift, it is a decision on your part. It doesn't just happen. You have to make time to do it.

"Love is an action, an activity. It is not a feeling."
M. Scott Peck, 1936-2005

We can love and serve God because of His great and ready promises to always be with us and help us. He gives us the strength, energy and ability to love others and minister to others. 

Stand on His promises. They are always available. Just call out His name and He is there!

"God is the God of promise. He keeps His word, even when that seems impossible; even when the circumstances seem to point to the opposite."
Colin Urquhart, 1940-2021

By His Grace . . . 

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