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Tuesday, November 8, 2022

He Prayed for Me

"I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message." 

John 17:20-23

 I love this Scripture verse! To think Jesus prayed for me! It's an awesome gift from our Lord and Savior.

 Jesus intercedes in heaven for all His children. He paid the price so we can be with Him one day. Knowing, right before He was crucified, He prayed for you and me. It has always been a special gift and one that should thrill our soul and inspire us to live for Him.

Chris Tiegreen, in Hearing His Voice, wrote these words:

"Jesus had some pretty big requests in His conversation with God the Father the night before the Crucifixion. He asked that His followers be kept safe from the evil one, that they would be one with God and with each other just as the Son and the Father were one, and that God would share His glory with them."

Jesus wants only the best for us. And each day, along with the Holy Spirit, and God the Father, works to help us so we don't get off track. He is always cheering for us, encouraging, inspiring and is nearby us every moment of the day.

"Dear believer, when times get tough, remember, Jesus prayed for those 'who will believe,' meaning those in the future, such as you. And He prayed you would be protected 'from the evil one.' So, walk in faith, knowing He cares and that He is in the process of perfecting you to 'reflect the Lord's glory.'" (2 Cor. 3:18)., Jim Reimann

Working says this: "Jesus' prayer doesn't stop with those seated at the table. 'I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their words, that they may all be one.' Jesus is praying also for youa nd for me. We are the ones who have come to believe because of the disciples' words. Jesus' prayer hangs in the space between earth and heaven, between time past and time yet to come. Jesus is praying that we will remain faithful and trust in the presence of the Holy Spirit."

It's very clear. Jesus prayed for us that believe and continues interceding for us in the Throne Room. We are fully protected, fully loved and fully accepted. All because of Jesus.

May your heart always be encouraged because Jesus is always near to you.

By His Grace . . .

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