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Tuesday, November 29, 2022

I Heard a Whisper

One Thanksgiving in MD we went to the Old South Mountain Inn for dinner. I loved all the snowflakes hanging from the ceiling. The rest of the pictures are from that restaurant.

I've started a new project! I'm very excited about it. It's one I've never thought of before. and it all began with a whisper.

Two Sundays ago, early in the morning while it was still dark outside, and inside, as I hadn't turned on any lights, I sat in front of our "fake" fireplace (which truly helps you get in the mood of coziness and warmth) and I heard a whisper in my mind: Bible Study Through Hymns.

I've always enjoyed singing the old hymns, and in recent years reading hymns during my devotion time. But Bible study through hymns? That was new.

I have six hymn devotionals and I like reading about the person who wrote the hymn and what prompted them to write it. For me, it's inspiring. It helps me relate to people who have accomplished good things even when their heart was breaking, or they were going through difficult times.

The Christmas balls were also a delight to see.

I looked online to see if there was such a thing as a Bible study through hymns and found one! I immediately pulled it up. The website is by Sarah Koontz. She's written several Bible studies on different topics, and they are all free. I immediately signed up to receive the one on hymns.

I also started writing my own Bible study about one of my favorite hymns. I love the words and music to And Can It Be. I'm certainly no scholar yet reading through my devotionals and pulling up online websites have given me enough information to write words. 

It's been both inspiring and frustrating. Inspiring to write, which I love, and frustrating deciding just what to keep or discard. God has gifted me to write so spending time writing energizes and satisfies me.

I think it would be interesting to attend a Bible study through hymns. I don't know if I could facilitate one, but I do know if you are passionate about something it goes a long way in helping you accomplish it.

A lovely snow window.

As we proceed into the winter of the year, I think I'm going to be spending a lot of time at the computer writing studies about hymns. I think it will be a good way to spend the cold winter months.

Find time to keep your mind free from noise and clutter so you're able to hear a whisper that God may send to you. I'm glad I did!

Yes, I have a new project and I'm thrilled! I heard it through a whisper. Thank you, God.

It was a delightful meal indeed!

By His Grace . . . 


Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Deep Settled Confidence

 "God is love and God is sovereign. His love disposes Him to desire our everlasting welfare, and his sovereignty enables Him to secure it."
A. W. Tozer, 1897-1963

In early fall I purchased a new devotion book titled “Sparkling Gems  . . . from the Greek.” I had not heard of its author, Rick Renner, so I investigated him first. He studied Greek in college and has served in the United States and Russia bringing people to Jesus.

Each Scripture verse of the day Renner pulls out certain Greek words that give better understanding to what has been written. I’ve enjoyed reading the devotions each day, although the devotions are more than twice as long as most devotion books.

I liked his interpretation of Romans 8:38-39 which we all know. It’s where Paul tells us that NOTHING can separate us from the love of God. Renner said it could be written this way:

I have been persuaded, and I remain convinced, that neither death, nor the complications that often arise in life, nor powerful angelic beings, nor even an entire group of high-ranking demonic spirits, nor anything that currently exists, nor anything that could potentially happen in the future, nor any political power, nor anything in the highest heavens, nor anything that resides in the deepest depths, nor anything that has ever been created is capable of disconnecting us from the love of God or of putting any distance between us and the love of God, which is in Jesus Christ our Lord.”

This brings out the Scripture verse with new understanding to help us know how secure we are in God through Jesus.


Nothing in this world has enough power to disconnect you from the love of God . . . regardless of what you are facing in your life today, God’s love is with you—and nothing will ever be able to disconnect you from this awesome, powerful, all-consuming love!

I like this quote: "To trust God with all my heart is to display a deep settled confidence in God's care at the very core of my life . . ." Alistair Begg

Do you have that deep settled confidence? I hope so.  For NOTHING can separate us from the love of God!

By His Grace . . . 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

My Color is Brown

"And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your hands as we commanded you."
1 Thessalonians 4:11

This post is a little deviation from my normal posts. Just had to tell you about my week.

Brown. One of my favorite colors. I LOVE BROWN! Last week was a brown kind of week.

Maybe it began when I was a child. Someone called me "brown eyes," and it always made me smile. Brown hair too, under the gray now. 

This picture may not be color but them there are brown eyes and hair!

                                     Next came stylish brown
                               dresses with brown suede boots. 
                                   Wish I could fit in them now!

My sister made me an all-brown afghan for my queen size bed in my twenties. I love this afghan. I still use it today, Those were the curtains I had to go with it: wildlife, of course, I made them. That's my cousin Rick and Sandy in front of them.

Brown syrup, Brown candy, brown everything!

Our brown labs! Abby's gone now, but Jo still sticks close to me.

Last week was a brown kind of week. My favorite quilt shop was having 25% off of everything, so, of course, I had to go. Usually, I'm matching fabric when I go there because I look at fabric online all the time and purchase some. This time, though, I was going to go and see what inspired me.

Five minutes after walking around, brown came to my mind. And just like that I decided the fabric had to be brown! I found just the shades of brown I wanted! Pinecones flooded the fabric. That was it!

All week I sewed on two quilt pieces just for me! September and October I sewed Christmas pieces to give, so I was looking forward to having two pieces for me to enjoy.

 I love all the brown! I put a green back on it because there's green behind the pinecones. I can just feel myself wrapping it around me. 

Not enough brown in this one. Not sure why I settled on this design. You can still see pins because the binding hasn't been hand sewed yet. 

When we moved to PA I hadn't sewed in over 30 years. Never quilted. But the Quilt Ministry at my new church called my name. Saved me that first year when I knew nobody and was homesick. 

I'm thankful for the women I met as I learned to quilt. I give away just as many pieces as I keep for myself. Even my Hope ministry takes part in my sewing projects. 

But, back to brown. The internet told me the color brown creates feelings of wholesomeness, stability, and peace. Organization, relaxation and warmth. Stimulates the appetite. Well, I don't need any help there!

I couldn't find any quotes that were favorable about brown. They just don't have any idea how rich and warm brown is!

Yes, it was a brownish kind of week. Who likes brown? Join the club!

Do they make suede boots in size plus plus?

By His Grace . . .

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

He Prayed for Me

"I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message." 

John 17:20-23

 I love this Scripture verse! To think Jesus prayed for me! It's an awesome gift from our Lord and Savior.

 Jesus intercedes in heaven for all His children. He paid the price so we can be with Him one day. Knowing, right before He was crucified, He prayed for you and me. It has always been a special gift and one that should thrill our soul and inspire us to live for Him.

Chris Tiegreen, in Hearing His Voice, wrote these words:

"Jesus had some pretty big requests in His conversation with God the Father the night before the Crucifixion. He asked that His followers be kept safe from the evil one, that they would be one with God and with each other just as the Son and the Father were one, and that God would share His glory with them."

Jesus wants only the best for us. And each day, along with the Holy Spirit, and God the Father, works to help us so we don't get off track. He is always cheering for us, encouraging, inspiring and is nearby us every moment of the day.

"Dear believer, when times get tough, remember, Jesus prayed for those 'who will believe,' meaning those in the future, such as you. And He prayed you would be protected 'from the evil one.' So, walk in faith, knowing He cares and that He is in the process of perfecting you to 'reflect the Lord's glory.'" (2 Cor. 3:18)., Jim Reimann

Working says this: "Jesus' prayer doesn't stop with those seated at the table. 'I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their words, that they may all be one.' Jesus is praying also for youa nd for me. We are the ones who have come to believe because of the disciples' words. Jesus' prayer hangs in the space between earth and heaven, between time past and time yet to come. Jesus is praying that we will remain faithful and trust in the presence of the Holy Spirit."

It's very clear. Jesus prayed for us that believe and continues interceding for us in the Throne Room. We are fully protected, fully loved and fully accepted. All because of Jesus.

May your heart always be encouraged because Jesus is always near to you.

By His Grace . . .

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Sharing Joy

Looked at my side view mirror as I was driving along and delighted in the color. Just had to take a snap!

With the start of November brings one of my annual joys. Readers may recall it as "November Joy." It is a practice I started years ago to remember people who affected my life and thank them. 

The following was printed in my church newsletter this past Sunday. It bears repeating again.

Who are you thankful for?

We are coming into the month of November, the month of Thanksgiving, the month of family. I’d like to suggest a new experience: “November Joy!”

"November Joy" is an action I highly recommend! It began many years ago in my heart and always brings a smile to my face. When I would turn the calendar over to November, I began to consider people who made a difference in my life that year. Then I'd write them a note thanking them for being in my life.

Luscious leaves.

We live in uncertain days and hope is hard to find. Every person and every family have heartaches. As Christians, we have God’s HOPE to share with others to help them as they live their lives.

Hope to a believer brings complete calm to any and all situations. We can share that hope with others because we know it is true and worthy.

I encourage you to expand your celebrations in November and show gratitude to those folks who've brought a smile, helped in a time of need or just made you feel good. It might be a phone call, a visit, a gift of food or an item you make, even an email message. Anything to say, "Thank you for being in my life!"


A camping sight in Clear Creek State Park had a good idea!

Will you consider "November Joy" this year? Will you say thank you to the special people who have made a difference in your life? Why not use the first two weeks of November to remember and encourage someone.

 God’s Word tell us that we will be refreshed as we refresh others (Proverbs 11:25). Giving joy to another person makes your heart smile and helps you as you go through your daily life.

 HOPE is a BIG word, a miraculous word. It is a word that instills courage and refreshment in our minds.


Lovely, beautiful fall. I'm going to miss your beauty!

Who are you thankful for? Tell them. Show them. Share God’s HOPE. I think you will find the month of Thanksgiving will bring added joy to your heart.


By His Grace . . .

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...