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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Hearing His Voice

"The voice of God is a friendly voice. No one need fear to listen to it unless he has already made up his mind to resist it."
A. W. Tozer, 1897-1963

It was a beautiful afternoon when I went across the street and took snaps of our neighbor's lake.
I read a different perspective on hearing God's voice last week. Chris Tiegreen started with an interesting introduction to relate God speaking to us. He spoke about scout bees that find new locations for a nest and give a detailed map to the rest of the swarm. He spoke of fireflies lighting up simultaneously without any apparent prompting from a leader. I wasn't too interested in the spiders, but he mentioned birds migrating across thousands of miles year after year without losing their way.

How? he asked. An inaudible voice. That's when he continued about people, and hearing God's voice.

"The Word that lived among us is the Word that formed us from the beginning . . . We are governed by the sound of God's voice, guided by an inaudible expression of His will . . . Know that even when you don't hear God's voice, you are being held together by its power and led by His intentions. His wisdom is in every cell of your body and every impulse of your brain." "Hearing His Voice"

In ways we'll never understand, God is completely in us, and He directs us every day. His Spirit teaches us, guides us, helps us, prays for us and is 100% in us. If He can create birds that can fly to the same nesting grounds each year, or fish that swim 100s of miles to their nesting ground, He can seal His guidance in our bodies too.

"God infuses His way into the very depths of our soul. He directs us from within. He fills us with himself." Tiegreen, Walk With God

It's all kind of amazing. But that's the way our God is. The Creator of all things. There are so many amazing facts, proven 100% over time, and we'll never understand how. 

The reds and oranges of fall are lovely!

"If you keep watch over your heart and listen for the voice of God and learn of Him, in one short hour you can learn more from Him than you could learn from man in a thousand years."
Johann Tauler, 1300-1361

By His Grace . . .

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