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Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Amazing Growth

"I challenge you -- dig deep in God's Word and find the nugget of God's glory on every page."
Tim Walter 

My friend, Kathy, in Maryland, sent me this lovely snap of her deck garden from her kitchen window. I have enjoyed sitting in her gardens and her creativity and master of gardening has refreshed me countless times. Below are some of the pictures I've taken from her gardens over the years.

It's amazing how we continue to grow in our faith, gaining wisdom and understanding, as we walk with and serve God. Of course, our sinful nature continues too, but hopefully that continues to diminish as we mature. 


"Reading books, listening to CDs and watching DVDs from reliable Christians God has gifted to express His Word always appeals to my unquenchable desire to learn more and be closer to my Heavenly Father. The journey has been an amazing one through my eyes, for who am I that God chose me. Through my eyes, nothing; through God's eyes, everything."

"Believers who don't live with a scheduled diet of God's Word will fail to stay competitive spiritually."
Tony Evans and Jonathan Evans

I like what Charles Spurgeon said about being on fire for God during private devotions: 

Times of private devotion are the very essence, evidence, and measure of a vital, growing faith . . . It is in private devotion you should burn ‘the fat of [your] sacrifice' . . . These ‘secret times when you go into your room, close the door and pray' should be regular, frequent, and undisturbed, if at all possible. And remember ‘The prayer of a righteousness man is powerful and effective.’ Do you feel you have nothing to pray for? Here are some suggestions: the church, those in ministry, your own soul, your children, your other family members, your neighbors, your country, and the cause of Christ and His truth throughout the world . . . God loves to see the hearts of His people ‘on fire’ toward Him . . . May we use passages of Scripture as the fuel to stoke the fires of our heart, for they are live coals; may we attend church and hear sermons; but above all else, may we often be alone with Jesus.

"When you know what God says, what He means, and how to put His truths into practice, you will be equipped for every circumstance of life."
Kay Arthur

The time we choose to give to God in devotion and study consistently brings growth, wisdom and understanding. It will always amaze me how we keep learning about God and our faith by staying close to Him.

"Our Bibles aren't meant to sit on our shelves in pristine condition but are meant to be worn down with daily use."
Michael Youssef

By His Grace . . . 

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