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Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Beauty and the Beast

 "We must never limit God's ability to turn even the worst, most vile experience in our lives into something productive, beneficial and positive."
Charles Stanley, 1932-

I had the joy of snapping some pictures in a friend’s garden many years ago. After snapping a few shots, she took me to a master gardener’s home where I also snapped some lovely pictures. Of all the pictures I took, this snap, above, beauty and beast, is my favorite.

The tiny blossom on the unwanted weed, beside the lovely, large blossom, caught my eye, and reminded me that there is beauty and beast in our lives. As it says in Ecclesiastes 3:1, “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven . . .” God has a plan.

And there lies life. Beauty and beast, good and bad, joy and sorrow. We are not capable of understanding the why in each situation. It is our part to be faithful, believing as a child. And I do.

"Just as the faith of salvation comes through hearing a message of the gospel. so the faith to trust God in adversity comes through the Word of God alone."
Jerry Bridges, 1929-2016

The beauty in the blossom above is so much bigger than the tiny flowers of the beast. But they go together. You can’t have one without the other in this life. This one thing I know. God cares. He Cares. God CARES! I’ll shout it again! GOD CARES!

"God uses every cloud which comes in our physical life, in our moral or spiritual life, or in our circumstances, to bring us nearer to Him, until we come to the place where our Lord Jesus Christ lived, and we do not allow our hearts to be troubled."
Oswald Chambers, 1874-1917

This post isn't diminishing the heartbreaking moments in our life. They take their toll. Knowing He's working during these times can help us live through them. 

The other morning, I read the words of the hymn, "Afflicted Saint, to Christ Draw Near." Following isverse one and three:
"Afflicted saint, to Christ draw near --
Thy Savior's gracious promise hear,
His faithful Word declares to thee,
That as thy days thy strength shall be.

"1739-1817When called to bear thy weighty cross,
Or sore affliction, pain, or less,
Or deep distress or poverty,
Still as thy days thy strength shall be."
John Fawcett
Also, the author of "Blest Be the Tie That Binds"

What is your beauty and beast. Family. Friends. Work. Health. Emotions. We all have them. But God has a plan, and it is for good in our lives. Pick that little beast and put it in a tiny pitcher and smile at its color and form. Maybe that beast isn't so bad after all. God has allowed it.  

"There is in every heart a spark of heavenly fire which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity."
Washington Irving, 1783-1859

By His Grace . . .

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Amazing Growth

"I challenge you -- dig deep in God's Word and find the nugget of God's glory on every page."
Tim Walter 

My friend, Kathy, in Maryland, sent me this lovely snap of her deck garden from her kitchen window. I have enjoyed sitting in her gardens and her creativity and master of gardening has refreshed me countless times. Below are some of the pictures I've taken from her gardens over the years.

It's amazing how we continue to grow in our faith, gaining wisdom and understanding, as we walk with and serve God. Of course, our sinful nature continues too, but hopefully that continues to diminish as we mature. 


"Reading books, listening to CDs and watching DVDs from reliable Christians God has gifted to express His Word always appeals to my unquenchable desire to learn more and be closer to my Heavenly Father. The journey has been an amazing one through my eyes, for who am I that God chose me. Through my eyes, nothing; through God's eyes, everything."

"Believers who don't live with a scheduled diet of God's Word will fail to stay competitive spiritually."
Tony Evans and Jonathan Evans

I like what Charles Spurgeon said about being on fire for God during private devotions: 

Times of private devotion are the very essence, evidence, and measure of a vital, growing faith . . . It is in private devotion you should burn ‘the fat of [your] sacrifice' . . . These ‘secret times when you go into your room, close the door and pray' should be regular, frequent, and undisturbed, if at all possible. And remember ‘The prayer of a righteousness man is powerful and effective.’ Do you feel you have nothing to pray for? Here are some suggestions: the church, those in ministry, your own soul, your children, your other family members, your neighbors, your country, and the cause of Christ and His truth throughout the world . . . God loves to see the hearts of His people ‘on fire’ toward Him . . . May we use passages of Scripture as the fuel to stoke the fires of our heart, for they are live coals; may we attend church and hear sermons; but above all else, may we often be alone with Jesus.

"When you know what God says, what He means, and how to put His truths into practice, you will be equipped for every circumstance of life."
Kay Arthur

The time we choose to give to God in devotion and study consistently brings growth, wisdom and understanding. It will always amaze me how we keep learning about God and our faith by staying close to Him.

"Our Bibles aren't meant to sit on our shelves in pristine condition but are meant to be worn down with daily use."
Michael Youssef

By His Grace . . . 

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Light in the Clouds

"The air up there in the clouds is very pure and fine, bracing and delicious. And why shouldn't it be? it is the same air the angels breathe."
Mark Twain

Last week I saw the most magnificent bright and beautiful clouds! They were gorgeous and looked close enough to touch. It reminded me of the following post I wrote back in 2012.

"I remember the first time I was in an airplane, taking off in a storm. Although everything looked dark and dreary, when we passed through the clouds the sun was shining bright. I always remember that experience when things get me down, and I can't seem to see the light.

"I recently enjoyed a devotion in the book "Unto the Hills" by Billy Graham. The titled is: "Behind the Clouds," and it reminded me of my experience. He speaks of his home on a mountain top where often he can see the clouds in the valley below. While he enjoys beautiful sunlight and clear skies, he observes thunderstorms and lightning flashes, and thunder roaring--all far below where he sits on the top of the mountain.
"Clouds are mentioned in the Bible many times. God spoke to His people through a cloud. He called Moses 'out of the midst of the cloud', Exodus 24:16, and His 'glory appeared in a cloud.' Exodus 16:10 The scripture verse associated with the devotion is: "Thy mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds." Psalm 36:5

"Charles Kingsley said: 'No cloud across the sun but passes at the last and gives us back the face of God once more.' And Longfellow said: "Be still, sad heart, and cease repining; behind the clouds is the sun still shining."

"I enjoy looking at the different clouds as they roll by. Fluffy white; faces and animal shapes; storm clouds, and faint outlines. Graham says: 'The Bible indicates that clouds are given to us for a purpose, and that there is glory in the clouds and that every cloud has a silver lining.

"And I believe they do! The sun always shines on the other side of the cloud. We will always have clouds, both in the sky and in our lives. Yet God is still shining bright and waits for our eyes to see Him."

In Nahum 1:3 it says: "His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of His feet." God is ever so close to us, even living in us. His light always shines, guiding us, illuminating the way we should go. Yes, even when the clouds are dark and grim, He still shines bright.

I know. I saw the sun on the other side of the clouds!

By His Grace . . .

Tuesday, July 5, 2022


"Some of us can only hear God in the thunder of revivals or in public worship; we have to learn to listen to God's voice in the ordinary circumstances of life."
Oswald Chambers

I did manage to get a few small ones this fawn season. I love when I get home and download pictures I see little fawn close by.

As many of you have already experienced, aging brings change. Forgetfulness, steadiness, lack of clarity, and many more changes that we have to deal with.

We also find when we age, we can't seem to get as much done as we use too. Since we become slower, we can't plan. It is indeed frustrating.

I'm having a difficult time in doing one of my favorite activities: photography. I've enjoyed taking pictures most of my life. When I went digital, another world woke me to being able to give my pictures to others, to make note cards with my pictures, and sharing God's creation on this blog.

Yet, the last two years I've found I can't take clear pictures like I use too. I purchased a camera with more zoom to photograph those things I love. But more zoom is more sensitive and in need of more steadiness, and, unfortunately, steadiness is beginning to disappear.

During my early morning drives I'm keeping less and less pictures I take because they are not sharp. I'm not stopping though. The early morning drives provide me with quiet and repose that fills my soul with calmness. 

I'm falling more. Thankfully, except for last year when I broke my ankle, I haven't hurt myself and haven't needed care from the ER. But I'm definitely aware that steadiness is becoming a concern.

I'd read about older people forgetting something on the stove or what they were baking in the oven. That recently happened to me, twice. Now I'll be tested to make sure my forgetfulness is just due to aging and not a deeper health concern.

Many of us have gone through this with our parents, and maybe our spouse, and know first-hand the dangers and depression this can cause. But when it starts happening to you, you realize life is indeed fragile and you must do all you can to be aware of your circumstances and pay attention to warning signs.

God tells us in Proverbs ". . . Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness." 16:31. Isaiah tells us that "God will sustain us in old age and gray hairs . . .  I will sustain you and I will rescue you."

My hope is in God, and I believe His Word is truth. I will carry on, keep taking pictures I love, keep doing things I enjoy, albeit slower, and trust God to take care of me until I'm called home. I'll try to change my frustration to calmness, seeking good from what is happening. 

Letting God help us through difficult times can infuse us with His joy and His care. Frustration? Yes, I'm having it, but it's not controlling me. God is. I'm so thankful!

"Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory." 
William Barclay, 1907-1978

"Nothing is more beautiful than cheerfulness in an old face."
Johann Paul Friedrich Richter

By His Grace . . . 

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...