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Tuesday, April 19, 2022

A Beautiful Bouquet!

"You will receive a double portion of joy when you recognize My love coming to you through the kindness of others and when you learn to express your gratitude to them and to Me."
 Frances J. Roberts
One of my favorite pictures from our back yard in Mt. Airy, MD.
 Have you ever been thanked for something you did? It's always nice to be thanked, but more often than not, it is God who should be thanked
I found words in Joni Eareckson Tada's devotion book "Diamonds in the Dust. that beautifully suggest how to accept words of thanks and what to do with them
The scripture verse was from Isaiah 42:8: “I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols.” Joni told how Corrie ten Boom, survivor of Nazi concentration camps, handled the world-wide accolades she received for her efforts to protect Jews during the World War II occupation of Holland:

She often commented that she was able to accept each compliment as though it was a rosebud, gathering many words of blessings during the course of the day,” Joni shared. “Then in the evening she presented God with a big bouquet of praise. Corrie knew that glory, praise, and honor belonged only to the Lord.”
A little cutey pie from Mt. Airy, MD
 God gives each individual all the ability they need to serve with their unique gifts. And sometimes it does seem amazing what one can do for the Lord. The words God gives me when I write certainly astonish me. And I always try to say thank you and share that God is the one to be praised.

So my heart is happy knowing the words God gives me does what it is intended to do . . . encourage . . . uplift . . . and point that person to God. And I can gather all those words of thanks and present God with a lovely bouquet at the end of each day.
Often I sign the cards I write with the words, "By His Grace." If it wasn't for God I would have nothing to write about, and if it wasn't for God's Grace I would have no skill to write -- it's all because of His Grace. I think I will start adding "By His Grace" to my blog posts!
An anonymous comment from a reader shared: "I too have tried to learn how to accept praise that, in reality, needs to be redirected. But one thing I try to remember is that God has given others thankful hearts that need to find an outlet. Thus the doers do and the thankful thank and both God and we are blessed!"
A very cold, icy morning on my way to work.
The next time someone tells you, “You’re amazing! Thank you!” accept the thanks and thank God also.. Just think of the beautiful bouquet you can give God at the end of the day. Now that’s amazing!
Dear little Pansy who lived at my mother's home.

By His Grace . . .

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