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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Remembering Abby

"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face."
Ben Williams 
We lost Abby last Friday. She had cancer in her jaw. She's the one in the red. Jo is blue. Most of you know the joy and fun in having a pet. You probably also know the heartbreak when they have to be put down.

After I retired it was in my heart to get two puppies so they could grow up together, and I could enjoy watching them. It took two years to convince Jerry to do this. We decided on two chocolate labs and got them when they were 12 weeks old.
 I love the snaps of them playing!
I had only one other puppy in my life. My other dogs came from homes that needed to get rid of them. I was so happy when we brought Abby and Jo home. Being retired I could watch them all day long. It was an adventure.
They stuck together like glue. Where one went the other went. Abby was smaller than Jo by 20 pounds. Abby was quick and alert. Jo lumbered along and was more peaceful.

Always together. When they were outside, Jo wouldn't come into the house unless Abby was right there beside her. Protective of her sister.
They just turned one when I found out I had cancer. I remember we had to build a border around me so they couldn't jump on me. But they still found a way to be close. They definitely took care of their mom.

Abby wasn't free with her kisses most of her life. It wasn't until I broke my ankle last August that she started being affectionate. My fall scared her, and then she was generous with her kisses. I'm going to miss that. 
We expected Jo to leave us first because she has joint pain and is on medicine. But she's here, quiet as usual, missing her friend.

They were always waiting for mom to finish this or that. Patiently waiting until mom took too long and they let me know it! Jo's favorite green toy! She picks it up every time we come home to welcome us.

You really can have 100 pounds of dog on your lap and be okay They would take turns sitting on top of me. As soon as one got off the couch the other one would jump up.

Always racing some where when they saw or heard anything.

A favorite toy. The balls made a noise.

They would sleep on top of each other.

Playing again.

We're going to miss our sweet Abby.

"The dog is the most faithful of animals and would be much esteemed were it not so common. Our Lord God has made His greatest gifts the commonest."
Martin Luther
 By His Grace . . .

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

A Beautiful Bouquet!

"You will receive a double portion of joy when you recognize My love coming to you through the kindness of others and when you learn to express your gratitude to them and to Me."
 Frances J. Roberts
One of my favorite pictures from our back yard in Mt. Airy, MD.
 Have you ever been thanked for something you did? It's always nice to be thanked, but more often than not, it is God who should be thanked
I found words in Joni Eareckson Tada's devotion book "Diamonds in the Dust. that beautifully suggest how to accept words of thanks and what to do with them
The scripture verse was from Isaiah 42:8: “I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols.” Joni told how Corrie ten Boom, survivor of Nazi concentration camps, handled the world-wide accolades she received for her efforts to protect Jews during the World War II occupation of Holland:

She often commented that she was able to accept each compliment as though it was a rosebud, gathering many words of blessings during the course of the day,” Joni shared. “Then in the evening she presented God with a big bouquet of praise. Corrie knew that glory, praise, and honor belonged only to the Lord.”
A little cutey pie from Mt. Airy, MD
 God gives each individual all the ability they need to serve with their unique gifts. And sometimes it does seem amazing what one can do for the Lord. The words God gives me when I write certainly astonish me. And I always try to say thank you and share that God is the one to be praised.

So my heart is happy knowing the words God gives me does what it is intended to do . . . encourage . . . uplift . . . and point that person to God. And I can gather all those words of thanks and present God with a lovely bouquet at the end of each day.
Often I sign the cards I write with the words, "By His Grace." If it wasn't for God I would have nothing to write about, and if it wasn't for God's Grace I would have no skill to write -- it's all because of His Grace. I think I will start adding "By His Grace" to my blog posts!
An anonymous comment from a reader shared: "I too have tried to learn how to accept praise that, in reality, needs to be redirected. But one thing I try to remember is that God has given others thankful hearts that need to find an outlet. Thus the doers do and the thankful thank and both God and we are blessed!"
A very cold, icy morning on my way to work.
The next time someone tells you, “You’re amazing! Thank you!” accept the thanks and thank God also.. Just think of the beautiful bouquet you can give God at the end of the day. Now that’s amazing!
Dear little Pansy who lived at my mother's home.

By His Grace . . .

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

By Any Other Name

 "The Spirit of God first imparts love; he next inspires hope, and then gives liberty."
Dwight Lyman Moody (1837-1899)

 Signs of Spring. Following pictures taken a number of years ago.

I was reading a book recently where the main character gave God different names so she could have intimate conversations with Him. The main character in the story is an author. Names were important to her, finding the right name for the characters she created. (Dee Henderson, Full Disclosure)

She knew many of the names that God is called in Scripture: Ancient of Days, Wise, Wonderful, Eternal are just a few. Many of the names Jesus is called are: Lamb of God, Bread of Life, Redeemer, Living Stone, Good Shepherd. But there wasn’t any names she remembered that the Holy Spirit was called. So she asked Him to help her choose a name so she could talk with Him.

I thought it interesting. I’m a simple person. I call God, God. I call Jesus, Jesus. I call the Holy Spirit just that. I’ve never called Him by any other name.

Have you? Do you use different names that bring you in intimate conversations with the Trinity? Do you often speak directly to the Holy Spirit inside of you?
"The Holy Ghost destroys my personal private life and turns it into a thoroughfare for God."
Oswald Chambers (1874-1917)  

The character in the book wanted to get to know the Holy Spirit who lived inside of her. This is who directed her through life, guiding her path as written by God. I really like that.

I became curious wondering if there are names the Holy Spirit is called in Scripture. Here are just a few I found:

Spirit of glory (1 Peter 4:14); Spirit of revelation (Ephesians 1:17); Spirit of the Son (Galatians 4:6); Eternal Spirit (Hebrews 9:14); Comforter/Counselor/Advocate: Isaiah 11:2, John 14:16, 15:25, 16:7; Teacher/Witness/Guide John 14:26, Romans 8:16, John 16:13

I don't speak to God often during the day. That's on me.We’re instructed to pray continually in 1 Thessalonians 5:16. that's a matter I need to work on. 

I love it when I take a picture and get home and see things I did see when I snapped it. This picture was darker and I missed the two fawn turning back to look. Always a thrill!

I enjoyed reading about this new avenue of worship by talking with the Holy Spirit. I know I will think on this frequently and hopefully do it.

The name she gave to the Holy Spirit? Lovely. What a lovely idea!

"Breathe on me, breath of God; Fill me with life anew, That I may love what thou dost love, And do what thou woulds't do."
Edwin Hatch (1835-1889)

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

i"m Looking for my Leaves

  "The greatest moments of your life are those when through all the confusion God got a message through to you plain and certain."
Bertha Munro, 1907-1986
Last week I was speaking to a friend and my baby leaves story came into my mind. Most of you have heard it before, but it's something I always consider in the Spring when the baby leaves are seen for the first time.
Following are excerpts from the original article titled, There's Life In Winter:
"The blistering wind hit my face as I opened the door. Winter was here. 'Come on, Sparkie,' I said. 'You have to go for a walk.'
"The wind slapped my face and tears dropped from my eyes. 'It's been a difficult year, Lord, I thought. Winter has harbored in my heart leaving me cold and dead, just like the trees.' My eyes traveled around the yard taking in the bleak appearance. 

"Yes, the year had left stains, and the ache in my heart hurt. 'I know I should be thankful, Lord,' I whispered . . . My eyes fixed on the maple tree behind our home. Stripped of all its colorful clothing, it looked dead. 'Just like my heart,' I thought. And then I remembered the baby leaves.
"Last February, I began watching the buds develop on the maple tree. I couldn't remember ever taking the time to watch leaves grow, and decided I'd see firsthand how God gave them birth.

"Sparkie and I would stop every evening on our walk to look for any development. It was a slow beginning, but finally--one day in April--the buds opened

"Long tentacles reached out, as many as 10 or 15 from each bud, as I remember. At the end of the tentacles were blossoms and at their base were leaves. The leaves were bound together, just like the cold buds had been. As the weather warmed, they began to unfold.

"My heart tingled with excitement when the leaves began to open. My husband, Jerry, was at the garden and I remember yelling excitedly to him, 'Come quick! The leaves are opening.'

"Half-inch baby leaves, perfectly shaped, stretched their little frames for all the earth to see.

"In one week, some leaves had grown to 3 inches in length. My eyes couldn't believe the transformation. As the leaves grew, the blossoms were blown to the ground. I walked on yellow drops of sun splattered all over the place. I had witnessed the birth of one of God's creations.
"The cry of a lone bird brought me back to the present. Chilled, I headed back to the house, shivering. But my heart was no longer cold.
"You see, it's February now--just the time I began watching the frozen buds last year. When everything looked dead, and no life was visible, God was working. And now I knew God was working in me.
"It's been a long year, but I know my heart will feel the warmth of God's love again. Why, in just a couple of months, He'll bring me baby leaves."

Spring is always a reminder that God is working all the time and never stops. We can always know that God cares and in His time He'll bring new life to your soul. There is life in winter.

"There is not one life . . . which is not so near to God that whatever touches it
touches Him with sorrow or with joy." 
Phillips Brooks, 1835-1893

Even There

Anybody home? Nope. We all flew south! Winter in Mount Airy, MD " If I rise on the wings of the dawn, If I settle on the far side of th...