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Tuesday, March 22, 2022

The First Day of Spring

  "Springtime . . . invites you to try out its splendor . . . to believe anew. To realize that the same Lord who renews the trees with buds and blossoms is ready to renew your life with hope and courage."
Charles R. Swindoll
This is one of my spring decorations that I put out each year.
Everybody is excited when the first day of Spring arrives. Even those, like me, who love a good winter snow storm, for the beauty of fresh falling snow is  precious to the eyes.

Yet, now it's time to look forward to the beauty of spring. The warm temperatures, the early spring flowers that pop up and start decorating the ground, the refreshing start to new life. 

That new life was shown to me many years ago. I've shared about baby leaves before. On a cold, bitter morning God told me that the frozen buds on the trees that look like they're dead will one day soon open and bring baby leaves, new life to the eyes. That treasure will always be hope to my eyes.
Gardens will be planted and fields will be plowed and ready for seed. Energy abounds as we open our eyes to all the beauty.

Babies of all kind will soon catch your eye as spring moves forward. Lamb, calve, gosling, fawn, bear cubs and so many more. These I've had the pleasure of photographing.

We all love to see bird's nest and long to hear the chirps of baby birds. Baby rabbits will soon be running around and baby squirrels will make their appearance too.
I can hardly wait til the middle of May when I start going on my fawn spotting drives!

New life. That's what God offers us. New life in Him. A life full of contentment, satisfaction, strength, and the ability to love as He loves us. New hope filling you with gladness and joy.
We have survived the bitter and cold winter, and spring ever is alive in our hearts. Hiking, biking, swimming all will begin in the great outdoors. Well, maybe a little cold yet to be swimming, but the earth will warm up and it's glorious display of nature will thrill our hearts.
You just can't get away from the thrill of springtime and the joy it brings. Hope is in every new flower that blooms, every new baby animal that cries and rests in our hearts as we trust God to renew our live too. 

Sing the chorus of Saved, Saved:

Saved by His power divine
Saved to new life sublime!
Life now is sweet and my joy is complete
For I'm saved, saved saved!
New life, indeed, is a miraculous thing.

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