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Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Thus Far

A  new year has dawned.
Graphic from CountryCharmRoseCottage Facebook page
The new year has begun! I know we're all hoping it will be better than the last two years. We've had enough worry and disappointment and scare for awhile. We've learned a lot too. 
I was reminded a few days ago of a Scripture verse that I want to remember as I go through this new year:
"Thus far has the Lord helped us."
 1 Samuel 7:12
God has been with us every step of the way. Through all the upset and concern, disappointment and sorrow, sickness and health, worry and sadness. Thus far He has been faithful! We know that He always will be.

The beauty of a new morning.

Charles Spurgeon tells us: "Just as we delight looking down a long avenue of trees that forms a lush green temple, with its branching pillars and arches of leaves, we enjoy looking back on the long aisles of the years of our life. View the green boughs of God's mercy overhead and the strong pillars of His loving-kindness and faithfulness that lift our joys heavenward. Do you see the birds singing in the branches? Surely there are many and they are all singing of the Lord's mercy received 'thus far.'"

"The Lord who 'thus far' has helped you
Will help you all your journey through."
John Newton, 1725-1807

Spurgeon says these words also point forward. We must cross more temptations and joys, more trials and triumphs, more prayers and answers, more weariness and strength, and more battles and victories.

Friend, be of good courage. Every day God is in control and will faithfully see you through as you walk the path He prepared for you. I like the 4th verse in the hymn, "Hallelujah! What a Savior! by Philip Bliss:
"When He comes, our glorious King, All His ransomed home to bring,
Then anew this song we'll sing: Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Thus far God has led us. Thus far He will continue to lead us. With God in control, let's move forward and embrace all He has planned for us!

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