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Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Quilting Saved me in this Foreign Land

"Work is not primarily a thing one does to live, but the thing one lives to do. It is, or should be, the full expression of the worker's faculties, the thing in which he finds spiritual, mental, and bodily satisfaction, and the medium in which he offers himself to God."
Dorothy L. Sayers, 1893-1957
 Cherries! Cherries! Cherries! What a happy piece!
Now, how can quilting save me? Save me from what? Why quilting? 
It happened just about five years ago when Jerry and I moved from MD to this NW PA town. I knew nobody. Nobody. Nobody.
Being on the quiet side and not one to put myself out there, I was one lonely and depressed soul. After six months of this, I finally got up my courage and went to a quilting session at my new church. 

That was the beginning of my comfort in this foreign town. Quilting was something I had only admired, but didn't think I could do. It was the perfect place to start to fit in and accomplish something new.

I've been quilting ever since. I'm still with the group and my duty is sewing the tops, batting and backs together. I always have something to do and it provides a sense of productivity. The group gives the blankets to various groups, here and overseas.
I watched videos online to learn how to make the tops. And another world opened up to me. I've discovered I enjoy creating pieces this size better than trying to make larger pieces. I put them over chairs on table tops or hang them on the wall.

More cherries!

A few months ago I purchased some fabric with cherry's on it. Cherries have always been a favorite food for me, but the real treat was eating it with chocolate first, potato chips second and then the cherries. Well, there's no more chocolate or potato chips in my life so cherries are now a favorite treat. Just one or two add an extra umph to my day.

Last week I decided to work with my cherry fabric. It was a fun week creating! Six tops are done and over the course of time I'll add backs, batting and binding. And I still have 1/2 yard left of the cherry fabric!
I've decided they will be my March decorations! It's my birthday month and since I love cherries it should make a special scene. I'll keep three pieces and give away three.

I thank the ladies I work with through the year, and I'm thankful to be a part of something good. Oh, I still miss my friends from MD, and enjoy them via text and email. Especially those lifelong friends. They never leave you.

Yes, quilting did save me. I'm probably still considered a foreigner here, but I'm now comfortable living in the country and my days are filled with productivity.

 "Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody."
1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Deepen My Desire

 "The Bible does not thrill, the Bible nourishes. Give time to the reading of the Bible, and the recreating effect is as real as that of fresh air physically."
Oswald Chambers, 1874-1917
I was moving around my matted prints and found this snap from Christmas 2020. The ceramic Christmas tree reflection in the kitchen window made a cute snap beside the bird feeder.
I have always enjoyed spending some of my devotion time each morning reading from devotionals. I have many. I use them all the time. But at the end of 2021 my spirit told me to spend more time in the Bible.
So I rearranged my "devotion time shelf" next to my chair. My hymnal, Bible (covered n one of my first quilting projects), my commentary and a new last year devotional and new this year devotional.

My current journal sits up front so I can write in it when I find something I want to keep.
That's the order I now begin with. I chose the Gospel of John for an in depth study to start the new year. I'll read Scripture then open the commentary and read the same scripture. After that I sing a hymn from the hymnal. It's only been 18 days but I'm enjoying this format very much. The I read the two devotionals.

On the January 7 devotion was titled "Encouragement for Today," written by Corrie Gerbatz. She touched on this subject.

"While I manage to set aside a daily quiet time (at least, most days), much of that time has been spent consuming all the “extras” in my faith-filled collection. From books to podcasts, praise music playlists, online sermons and daily devotions my shelves are stacked with resources that are encouraging and insightful, lifelines of hope, beautiful works of art, no doubt created by people who love the Lord."

And we all enjoy those extra faith-filled items that keep us singing and thinking. But how many are too many. Especially if spending time in the Bible is squashed down to just a few minutes?

Our first year in PA we took a drive to see the snow and found this cat in the window of an old barn.  

Gerbatz continues: "Paul understood that Scripture was not just a nice collection of stories and rules to share for informational purposes only. He knew that Scripture is the very Word of God, alive and active, (Hebrews 4:12) with the power to be transformational in a believer’s life. And Paul desperately wanted others to understand this truth, too.

"Friends, we are those “others”! The Good News of the Bible then is the Good News of the Bible today. Throughout the chapters, the Lord graciously provides wisdom and direction for our daily lives — rebuking, correcting and training us in righteousness. He clearly lays out His redemption plan for our broken world through the sacrifice of His Son. And He reveals His heart to us so we may know our true identity in Him."

My journals are filled with quotes and paragraphs I've pulled from my devotion books.  Many are lifelines of Hope as Corrie Gerbatz said. And I go through my journals often to refresh my mind on the encouraging and inspiring words, as well as challenges.

                                 One of my favorite snow snaps in PA. The colors just fit!  

 I encourage you to focus more of your time in the Bible this year and the wealth of information, direction, inspiration and help it gives. I'm noticing a BIG difference in how I feel. I know you will too!

My pastor shared these words in a recent online devotion: "The more that we study and hear Gods word, the more we can look at moments in life and recall Gods words and repeat them for comfort, peace, guidance, thankfulness, trust etc. These words are ones that we don’t ever want to stop from going over and over in our hearts, minds and mouths. The book of Psalms is a wonderful book in which we can see this occurring over and over again." Pastor Jim Fillhart

So . . . what are you reading? Make sure God's Word is at the top of the list. It's the best book in the world!

 "No one ever graduates from Bible study until he meets the author face to face."
E. T. Harris

 "This book [the Bible] is a supernaturally inspired unveiling of ultimate reality."
Chris Tiegreen





Tuesday, January 11, 2022

You Can Teach an Old Dog new Tricks, Even Me

"What you see before you, my friend, is the result of a lifetime of chocolate."
Katharine Hepburn  
My addiction to chocolate began at home. That big dish of vanilla ice cream would soon be covered with chocolate sauce!
I’m celebrating today. One year ago today, January 11, 2021, I made a Life Resolution. Not a New Year’s Resolution. A Life Resolution.  I haven’t made very many of those.
I gave up chocolate. Lest you think I’m being funny, let me explain. I’m addicted to chocolate, sweets, treats and everything associated with snacks. I have been addicted to chocolate for my entire life.
Yes, being addicted to chocolate is real. There was no “I’ll just have one.” I ate as much as I wanted all the time. I was even so dumb as to say “If I can’t eat chocolate there’s no reason to live.” I really did. I just was not going to give up chocolate.
It comforted me when I was sad; celebrated me when I was happy, and was my source to go to for a very long time. 
Potato chips were among the treats that I devoured.
About 20 years ago my body started telling me it didn’t like chocolate anymore. But I refused to stop. I’ve put up with the results of that refusal  for 20 years, but on January 11, 2021, I finally had enough. I didn’t want to deal with the results anymore.
Was I successful? Ninety percent of the time! I call that success! The other 10 percent of the time I’d eat a treat at a party, or occasionally when we were out. Whenever I do treat myself to a dessert my body wastes no time in telling me to stop. 
Here I am with another Utz potato chip t-shirt and chocolate icing on the beater.
How did I do it? Determination. Willpower. Prayer. Enjoying my body feeling better. Experiencing less depression and more energy. Eating chocolate was bad for me.
I can only remember making a Life’s Resolution one other time. That’s when I gave my heart to God and chose Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I chose a better life to live, one of fulfillment and joy. And that's a life resolution I advise for everyone. Not only for fulfillment and joy, but for life itself. Surrendering to God. Accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior. A new life indeed!
No matter how long it takes you to give up something that is not good for you, I’m proof that you can do it. It may have taken me a very long time, but I finally listened to my body. I’m so glad I did!
I was terribly hooked!
Many of us have things we should not be doing. I hope you are inspired by my experience and will choose to live better. Whether it’s a habit that isn’t good for you, or the life changing choice to become a child in the family of God.
I refused to give up a delight even though it caused problems in my body. Not worth living without chocolate? Well, I can honestly say: It's definitely worth living without chocolate!
What can't you give up? For whatever reason you hang onto, it's just not worth keeping it if it is not good for you.
We can certainly be dumb about certain things. Addiction is a hard thing to overcome. But I finally had enough.
A delicious chocolate milkshake in the making!
My title “Minister of Chocolate” from my working days will just have to go down in history. My home is now chocolate proof so Carol doesn’t eat it.
It’s never too late to make a change for the good. And you’re never too old to change!

 So please celebrate with me! And if you have something you need to deal with, be encouraged, that, yes, an old dog can learn new tricks. Just look at me.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Thus Far

A  new year has dawned.
Graphic from CountryCharmRoseCottage Facebook page
The new year has begun! I know we're all hoping it will be better than the last two years. We've had enough worry and disappointment and scare for awhile. We've learned a lot too. 
I was reminded a few days ago of a Scripture verse that I want to remember as I go through this new year:
"Thus far has the Lord helped us."
 1 Samuel 7:12
God has been with us every step of the way. Through all the upset and concern, disappointment and sorrow, sickness and health, worry and sadness. Thus far He has been faithful! We know that He always will be.

The beauty of a new morning.

Charles Spurgeon tells us: "Just as we delight looking down a long avenue of trees that forms a lush green temple, with its branching pillars and arches of leaves, we enjoy looking back on the long aisles of the years of our life. View the green boughs of God's mercy overhead and the strong pillars of His loving-kindness and faithfulness that lift our joys heavenward. Do you see the birds singing in the branches? Surely there are many and they are all singing of the Lord's mercy received 'thus far.'"

"The Lord who 'thus far' has helped you
Will help you all your journey through."
John Newton, 1725-1807

Spurgeon says these words also point forward. We must cross more temptations and joys, more trials and triumphs, more prayers and answers, more weariness and strength, and more battles and victories.

Friend, be of good courage. Every day God is in control and will faithfully see you through as you walk the path He prepared for you. I like the 4th verse in the hymn, "Hallelujah! What a Savior! by Philip Bliss:
"When He comes, our glorious King, All His ransomed home to bring,
Then anew this song we'll sing: Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Thus far God has led us. Thus far He will continue to lead us. With God in control, let's move forward and embrace all He has planned for us!

Even There

Anybody home? Nope. We all flew south! Winter in Mount Airy, MD " If I rise on the wings of the dawn, If I settle on the far side of th...