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Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Forever Friends

Money might make you wealthy, but having friends make you rich."
One of my favorite figurines!
I recently saw these words on a friend's post:
"One day, all of us will get separated from each other.
We will miss our conversations. Days, months and years
will pass until we rarely see each other. One day, someone
will see our photos and ask, 'Who are these people?'
And we will smile with a few tears and say,
'It was with them that I had the best days of my life." 
Author unknown
These words are certainly true in my life. My most treasured memories are ones with friends. I have always treasured my friends. They are my family.
My blood family was small. There was more cussing than conversation. It's so hard for me to relate when I read posts from friends that have families that love each other, although not perfect. Once I became a Christian, and my brothers and sisters in Christ became my family, it helped. But it still didn't take away the hurt of never experiencing a loving family and feeling alone, especially during holidays.
I don't know why God's plans for my life didn't include a loving family. So, from early adulthood through all my years, I've shared my life with friends.
I'm thankful for the many ladies who have shared my life, helped me grow as a person, and taught me what loving families are like.
A favorite graphic. 
Artist unknown
This is the month of thankfulness so I salute the friends in my life. I've been blessed with many close friends. I believe God knew I needed friends to help me along my path so He provided friends to mentor me, encourage me, laugh with me, cry with me, strengthen me and care for me.
These are the people I shared friendship with by keeping in touch frequently, meeting together and giving gifts of love. I will forever be thankful for the friends in my life. I have been greatly blessed.
To have friends you must be a friend. You must give of yourself in loving care to share your life with friends. The Proverbs tell us that "those who are to have friends, must show themselves friendly." We need good, true, honest, godly friends, and we need to be that for others.

I've mentioned in previous posts about my 55th birthday party: A celebration of friends! Sixteen of my closest friends, from elementary school up to that present time, were celebrated in my home. It was a lovely day of memories, good times and special friends.

Better is a neighbor who is really 'near' in heart and spirit, than a brother who though closer . . . by blood, is 'far off' in feeling."
Albert Barnes

Yet, I have been doubly blessed. For I have a Friend who means all the world to me. As the song title goes: "Jesus Is All the World to Me."

"Jesus is all the world to me, my life, my joy, my all;
He is my strength from day to day, without Him I would fall.
When I an sad, to Him I go, no other one can cheer me so;
When I an sad, He makes me glad, He's my Friend."
Will Lamartine Thompson, 1847-1909

So whether you are blessed with a loving family or not, there is a friend above all friends who longs to be yours. I love all my friends, but Jesus is the best friend of all. He is Lord; He is Savior; He is God. I praise Him!

After the friendship of God, a friend's affection is the greatest treasure here below.

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