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Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Fitly Spoken

Let's take another walk down fall lane . . .
 "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold In settings of silver . . ." 
Proverbs 25:11
The bright sun hitting the red behind the yellow was gorgeous!
When I use to speak on the ministry of note writing, this is one of the Scripture verses I shared. And, in truth, I can't remember hearing a description of this verse other than talking or writing words. But I found these words recently by Debbi Bryson.
 "Of all the books you will ever read, you will never learn more about yourself  and the meaning of life than from reading God's Word. His Word is powerful, it is light, it breaks strongholds, it heals broken hearts. it gives hope, it transforms your thoughts. Most of all, the greatest benefit is that in His Word, God reveals himself. It indeed is a word fitly spoken."   Debbi Bryson, The One Year Wisdom for Women Devotional
Gorgeous yellow
We can encourage by both writing and talking, but the one place we can find words that will refresh, instruct and guide us are in the Bible. 
"The sweetest music isn't in oratorios, but in kind words."
Ralph Waldi Emerson, 1803-1882 

So many people reject faith without ever reading the Bible. They just listen to what other people say, who more than likely, have never read the Bible, and rely on that to make their decision. They have no idea what they're missing.

Isn't that scary. Rejecting God's Word and never reading it or listening to it. 
It was an overcast, drizzly day but I love the scene!
Apples of Gold
Karen Lafferty
"Like golden fruit in a basket When it's given to the poor
A word so fitly spoken Can mean love and so much more
There are words so empty There are lives so incomplete
But there are words of comfort When the Spirit speaks so sweet
"Apples of Gold, Can we talk for awhile
Apples of God, Can I give you a smile
Apples of God,Can I show that I care
Apples of God, There are things we can share."
Being there for each other. Encouraging others and inspiring others. Your "Apples of Gold" can be just what is needed to help another. 
"Good words are worth much and cost little."
George Herbert, 1593-1633
Be free with your "Apples of Gold." And gather as many as you can as you read in God's Word and be filled to the brim with encouragement, inspiration, direction, and best of all, God!
"The small change of human happiness lies in the unexpected friendly word."
"Encouragement is oxygen to
the soul"
George M. Adams, 1878-1962 
 This is one of the first pictures I took of fall color. It's been many years and I still enjoy seeing it!
If you want to walk down fall lane again, now is the time! Soon leaves will be down and days will be cold, but there's still time to enjoy the beauty!

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