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Tuesday, June 22, 2021

What Are You Thinking About?

We had lunch at the Farmer's Inn, Sigel, PA just up the road from us. Their goat pen was alive and active with many baby goats playing. This mom-to-be looks like she's about to bust!
 "To think is an effort; to think rightly is a great effort; and to think as a Christian ought to think is the greatest effort of a human soul."
Oswald Chambers (1874-1850)
The question stopped me. "What did you think about the last day or two?"  Was it "admirable?" Was it "good?" Was it "positive?"
Most of us are familiar with the Scripture Paul wrote in Philippians. "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." verse 4:8
My thoughts don't just gravitate to good thoughts. That is something I have to work on. Negative thoughts usually win out over positive thoughts. The time we're living in certainly gives us pause for many negative thoughts.
So it means I have to work at thinking good things. "When our thoughts wander and cause worry, let's thank God that meditating on good things feeds our souls and enriches our relationship with God." 365 Devotions for a Thankful Heart
When do I think about good things? When I look out my window and admire the flowers blooming. When I see the first baby leaf. When I drive in the woods in the early morning. When I create something that's pretty or write something that's encouraging. These are good things I think about. I know you have good things to think about that define you. We need to do these things more.

I think negative thoughts when I'm not doing anything positive or constructive. I need to take this advice from the hymn "Higher Ground", second verse: "My heart has no desire to stay Where doubts arise and fears dismay; Though some may dwell where these abound, My prayer my aim is higher ground."
Maybe the best things to think about are reading the Word of God or singing a hymn or praise song. Our mind is transformed from negative to positive. Reading inspiring stories of people in years past brings inspiring thoughts too.
What is it that you do that brings positive thoughts? Good thoughts. Happy thoughts. Admirable thoughts?  "All of us can improve our habitual thoughts and better manage our wandering minds. If that sounds daunting or even impossible, remember that when God calls us to do something, He enables us to do it." 365 Devotions for a Thankful Heart.
So remember, it is for our benefit and pleasure we're told to think on good things. It will make our day happier. It will inspire us to do good things. It will improve our day-to-day living so that we concentrate on positive things. All this helps us to get through each day in a positive frame of mind.
What did I think about the last day or two? Well, I'm not sure it was all positive, but from this day forward I can make a conscious effort to be of good cheer and think upon all those things that are good and positive. What about you?  
"If we bring our minds back again and again to God, we shall be gradually giving the central place to God, not only in our inner selves, but in our practical everyday lives."
Paul Tournier (1898-1986)  


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