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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

What a Sentence.

 "The future has a habit of suddenly and dramatically becoming the present."
Roger Ward Babson, 1875-1967

I do believe somebody is snowed in! 

Bam! The first six words hit me like a rock! I stopped and read them again. And then again. I felt like I was reading a history book. I don't like those first six words Jack Countryman wrote:
"In our Western, post-Christian era . . .' 'In our Western, post-Christian era . . .'  'In our Western, post-Christian era, foundational truths in God's Word are no longer accepted or even respected."

Post-Christian era. Now. While I'm living. I know it in my mind, but seeing it in print stopped me.

I asked Jerry what he thought: "There is a lot in that sentence. Although we do not wish this to be, according to God's Word, as I understand it, I think it is true. Which draws us closer to the rapture. Soon. When I first started thinking about this period of time I asked myself: Could I actually be living in the end time prophecy? Just thinking of that is overwhelming."
Of course we know post-Christian is a true statement. It is evident in everything that is going on around us and has been for many a year now, and unfortunately, our country is reaping the fruit of turning its back on God. It is hard to accept. It is hard to believe. It is hard to live in it.

Countryman continued saying: "Living unmoored from biblical values and priorities, we are redefining marriage, deciding that more than two sexes exist, debating about when life begins so that we can end it, and giving people permission to end their own lives . . . And the list goes on."

One of my favorite snow pictures. 
 Continuing, Countryman said: "When we are left to ourselves to make a decision in this dark world void of God's truth, we may not always know which option leads to life and which one ends in death. We will remain in the dark until and unless we open God's Word.

Well, Carol, What an I going to do about this? And this is what I decided.

I'm going to continue living my life believing God's Word is the only prescription for life because it is true. I'm going to live for Jesus Christ, worshiping, serving, loving and proclaiming He is the one true God. I'm going to do my best to stay encouraged and be faithful until my time here on earth is over. Why? Because this is what I believe is true. 
An original painting by my friend, Peggy, in Maryland
The Word of God has been proven so many times throughout history of its truth, how can anyone decide to reject it? Post-Christian era? Not in my heart. How about you?

"If I walk with the world, I can't walk with God."
Dwight Lyman Moody, 1837-1899 
A snow scene created with wool.

1 comment:

  1. it is a sad truth isn't it? but i love your response... and it's mine as well. curious... which of Jack's books were you reading? God bless you my sweet friend.


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Coping With Change

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