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Tuesday, March 30, 2021
He Still Does
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Heart Loyalty
Job possessed heart loyalty. Those were the words I read in a Bible study lesson written by James T. Draper. Those words certainly aren't a new idea, but one that needs to be revisited during a crucial and needy time in America.
I like that. Heart loyalty.
The question is: "What are you loyal too?" No matter what answer you give, your number one loyalty should be to God. Always has been and always will be.
Are you devoted to God? Live for God? Would you die for God? As our country and world continues its vigorous spiral downfall, who are you loyal too?
I stopped on the way home from work one day when I saw Sheep and Lamb in the field. I walked down to the barn. The owner let me come inside and his gang came up to see what I was doing.
Being loyal to God isn't a hard thing. It's truly a heart issue. You either stand for Christ or you don't. Once you've made your decision, loyalty is easy.
I've lost a lot in my life because of my stand for Christ, and it hurts. Yet I stand for what I believe and have no regrets of that choice.
Once your heart is settled, no matter what happens in this life, you stand behind the living God where all things are possible--even the impossible.
" . . . I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received." Ephesians 4:1
The call in this day and age is: "Who are you loyal
too?" Job possessed heart loyalty. I've made my choice. What about
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
The Best Hearts-ease
I had never heard of a hearts ease until an older women gave me a devotion book that told a story about one. It was my first devotion book. Most of you are familiar with Streams in the Desert by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman.
I've read that devotion book many years and it introduced me to many more devotion books. One story caught my eye and it was about a little hearts ease. Years later I would share this story when I talked about note writing.
This story is simple, but profound. The point: Whatever God has given you to do, do it the very best you can.
"A story is told of a king who went into his garden one morning and found everything withered and dying. He asked the oak that stood near the gate what the trouble was. He found it was sick of life and determined to die because it was not tall and beautiful like the pine. The pine was all out of heart because it could not bear grapes, like the vine. The vine was going to throw it's life away because it could not stand erect and have as fine fruit as the peach tree. The geranium was fretting because it was not tall and fragrant like the lilac; and so on all through the garden. Coming to a hearts ease, he found its bright face lifted as cherry as ever. 'Well, hearts ease, I'm glad, amidst all this discouragement, to find one brave little flower. You do not seem to be the least disheartened.' 'No, I am not of much account, but I thought if you wanted an oak, or a pine, or a peach tree, or a lilac, you would have planted one; but as I knew you wanted a hearts ease, I am determined to be the best little hearts ease that I can.'"
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Keep Growing
I wrote the following words in January 2012. I thought they are worth repeating.
Recently I penned a note to my pastor about how we continue to grow and understand more about God. This is what I said:
"It's amazing to me how we continue to grow, gaining wisdom and understanding as we walk with and serve God. Of course, our sinful nature continues too, but hopefully that continues to diminish as we mature; although never ending, we should have wiser control over its forces.
"Reading books, listening to CDs and watching DVDs from reliable Christians God has gifted to express His Word always appeals to my unquenchable desire to learn more and be closer to my Heavenly Father. The journey has been an amazing one through my eyes, for who am I that God chose me. Through my eyes, nothing; through God's eyes, everything."
Is your unquenchable desire being filled by Godly design? There's no shortage of reliable avenues to choose. You'll find them amazing!
Are you familiar with the hymn, Wonderful Words Of Life? "One of the basic precepts of the Sunday school movement has always been that God's Word must be carefully and systematically studied by believers of all ages . . . We never outgrow our need for the Bible; it becomes more helpful to us with the years." Amazing Grace, March 4 devotionTuesday, March 2, 2021
What a Sentence.
"Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." Psalm 119:105 Stephen Darbishire, Louises Favourite Pictures Facebook page ...

This post comes from my second book, “ A Note For You .” The book contains most of the notes I wrote to one woman to encourage her for an en...
That's Sam, as she tried to turn around in the middle of a narrow path after the first storm six days ago. We'd walked to the back ...
Thanksgiving Day is almost here . . . a time to thank God for His blessings upon us. In this month's issue of Home Life , Nancy Lee tell...