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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

It's Time to Call Back

Graphic from Louises's Favourite Pictures Facebook page; Artist unknown
We are now in the last days of 2021. A new year, new anticipation, a fresh new beginning is about to begin. 
In the last post of the year I like to include the following poem. It's found in the December 19th devotion in that much loved and sought after devotional, Streams in the Desert. The title: Call Back. It is written by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman, the author of Streams in the Desert.

For the Christian, hearing and reading about men and women of faith through the centuries is a great learning opportunity. And YOUR life can be the life that helps draw your family and friends to a fuller life of faith. 

As this year ends and a new year begins, join me and "call back" and share how God has seen you through the years, and the amazing things you've learned in following Him. I hope this poem inspires you to share with others.

"If you have gone a little way ahead of me, call back--
'Twill cheer my heart and help my feet along the stony track;
And if, perchance, Faith's light is dim, because the oil is low,
Your call will guide my lagging course as wearily I go.

"Call back, and tell me that He went with you into the storm;
Call back, and say He kept you when the forest's roots were torn,
That, when the heavens thunder and the earthquake shook the hill,
He bore you up and held you where the very air was still.

"Oh, friend, call back, and tell me for I cannot see your face;
They say it glows with triumph, and your feet bound in the race;
But there are mists between us and my spirit eyes are dim,
And I cannot see the glory, though I long for word of Him.

"But if you'll say He heard you when your prayer was but a cry,
And if you'll say He saw you through the night's sin-darkened sky--
If you have gone a little way ahead, oh, friend, call back--
'Twill cheer my heart and help my feet along the stony track."

My friends, He went with me into the storm and kept me when my roots were torn; He bore me up and held me close when the earthquake shook my heart; He heard me when my prayers were but a cry, and He saw me through the night's sin-darkened sky. My face glows with triumph and my feet continues the race. My God is FAITHFUL, you CAN trust Him to see you through!

Now, what has God done for you? Has He held you in the mist of the storm? Has he calmed your heart and helped you when it was breaking? Did He show the path to take in times of uncertainty? What has He done for YOU! 

Your story can help others who need a lifting hand upon their life. Share it. Tell someone. Write it down so you can encourage another, even yourself.

 "Life is a steep climb, and it does the heart good to have somebody 'call back' and cheerily beckon us on up the high hill . . ."  "If anyone among us has found anything worthwhile, we ought to 'call back.'" Mrs. Charles E. Cowman

As you get ready to begin 2022, I hope you will "call back" to fellow believers and tell them how God has seen you through as you've walked with Him. You will cheer the heart of another and help them along their road with God. Do it now.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The Light That Shines

 "All we want in Christ, we shall find in Christ. If we want little, we shall find little. If we want much, we shall find much; but if, in utter helplessness, we cast our all on Christ, He will be to us the whole treasury of God."
Henry Benjamin Whipple, 1822-1901
"Light is a figure of speech for God Himself or for His divine presence."
International Sunday School Lessons, Winter 2021-2022 
Only those who have surrendered their life to Christ knows Jesus' light. In God's supernatural way He instills light into our souls and we see through eyes of faith. It's hard to explain to someone who hasn't trusted in Christ.

This is one of the reasons we celebrate Christmas, the birth of Christ. Without His light, we cannot see life in God's world. We only see through darkness, and darkness comes from Satan.

God's light awakens the beauty of all things created and all things experienced. Ask any Christian, and in our feeble way of explanation, we can only say: everything is different now. Our minds have been ingrained with super natural power to see God's light, Jesus, and we're never the same.

Sounds kind of weird, perhaps, if you've never experienced it. You are wakened from a deep sleep of darkness into the pleasant brilliance of light upon your life.
Just one candle lights darkness. You can't snuff it out or hide it. It's alive inside you bursting to come out and brighten the world.

That's what Jesus does. He brings light into your life that stimulates everything about you. It excites you. It inspires you. It encourages you. You know your life is changed.
"You, O Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light."
Psalm 18:28

The light of life. Find it. Search for it. Don't give up until you surrender to the Son of God. 

Celebrating Christmas is much more than "have a merry Christmas." It's being thankful for God's gift to man. It's being changed inside to glow the love of Christ. 
Do you know the Light of the World? Have you read for yourself His Word? Or do you just listen to friends who aren't interested in knowing God's Son?

It's real. It's true. Be awakened to God. I can promise you, you'll never be the same. Your life will become a light too.
 "An unlit candle gives no light, only when burning is it shining bright."
Helen Steiner Rice, 1900-1981


Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Christmas HOPE

 "Thanks be to God for His unspeakable GIFT--indescribable, inestimable incomparable inexpressible precious beyond words."
Lois Lebar, 1907-1998
We're well into the Christmas season with anticipation of this special time of the year. 

We all are aware that each life has fun and happy Christmases, and low keyed and sad Christmases. That's just the way life is. I've had my share of sad Christmases in my adult life. I'm sure you can say that too.

Yet, as a Christian, who has Christ in my heart, I always have His joy and that alone gets me through the Christmas season. No matter how sad I may be, His joy provides HOPE! It's always there saying, "Carol, I have overcome the world! You are mine! I will see you through all things, even this Christmas season.

God's HOPE is the one thing I try and share because I know it is true, and worthy, and real. His HOPE is given to us so we can continually move forward and anticipate life with His joy.
A Christmas bloom from my Camellia plant one year.

I envy, in a positive way, those who have families to spend Christmas with. Families are not perfect, but they can come together during special times to share happy seasons and make special memories.

If you don't have family to gather with, you will be amazed at the people who are alone just like you. Look for them. Plan something with them. Bake a treat to give to them. 

Do you still send Christmas cards? Write a short note in your cards instead of just writing your name. People are hungry for personal touches and a few lines shared does wonders for the receiver of your card.

Is there a family in need? It doesn't take much money to provide something for them, and what a blessing it will be for them and you! As a favorite Scripture verse shares: ". . . he [or she] who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Proverbs 11:25 This is very true!

One of the Scripture verses I have in front of me at my computer says this: "But as for me, I will always have HOPE; I will praise you more and more." Psalm 71:14  

Christmas is a very special time in the life of a Christian as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus, the Christ. Spread His joy and HOPE all around you. As you cheer others, your own heart will be cheered. Christmas HOPE. Jesus Christ, my Living HOPE!

"Hope, the balm and lifeblood of the soul."
John Armstrong, 1709-1779

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Christmas Decorating at my Home

 "Ah! dearest Jesus, Holy Child,
Make Thee a bed, soft, undefiled,
Within my heart, that it may be
A quiet chamber kept for Thee."
Martin Luther, 1483-1546
The joy of a Christmas tree from a dear friend!
There's nothing that gets you into the spirit of Christmas than decorations! The enjoyment of  decorations add to the joy of Christmas. As many of you, I've been collecting decorations for many years. Decorations are reminders of earlier memories and the joy of friends. This post I'm sharing some of the decorations I've saved through the years.
This nativity came from Avon in my early 20s. It has been on a shelf ever since when I decorate for Christmas. The red barn I found here in PA two years ago. And the little white tree was a gift.

 The quilted bow piece represents the gift God gave me when I moved to PA and learned how to quilt! I love bows so this piece is extra special to my heart.

Sitting on one side of the tree is my Christmas Shutterfly book of Christmases past, and a lovely fence with feathered friends a dear friend gave me.
 On the other side of the tree are my favorite decorations: snowmen! I imagine that's because I love snow. Robert Frost's book "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening " I bought on a solo trip to Vermont six years ago, celebrating successful cancer treatments!
 The angel picture was snapped one cold evening driving around Mt. Airy when we lived in MD. {A better picture two down of the angels.) It's one of my favorite pictures. And I love big, big, big bows!

More snowmen! The wagon is filled with them and other joyful items.
Candles are always on my holiday list. They are warm and soothing and help light the way.

This wreath was my mother's, which I helped pick out because of the snowmen  I added lights to it.

I'm thankful the fake fireplace isn't going to melt this snowman!

A favorite quilt piece and pillow that I made! Sometimes I can't believe I did it!

A basket of greenery and lights with favorite ornaments and a lovely angel on top. 

A snow heart I made many years ago sitting on poinsettia leaves.
The gingerbread cookie tins were a gift from a favorite boss in my telephone company days. They sit on another Christmas quilt piece I made.

Under them are little decorations collected through the years. 

Another Christmas bow piece hangs in the dining room window.
Of course, my favorite animal to photograph has a place too!

And I can't forget two trucks since Jerry and I met over his truck! I even wrote a story about how we met and Ford company published it in their magazine. They paid me $100! The title: A Life Changing Truck!

A favorite picture from Mt. Airy, MD with the girls and a real fireplace! Years ago while driving home from work one late afternoon I saw lights around the ceiling in a home decorated for Christmas. I loved it! We did it every year until we weren't able to make that reach anymore.

I hope whatever decorations you have to display make you smile and bring joy to your heart. Mine do!

"God grant you the light in Christmas, which is faith; the warmth of Christmas, which is love; the radiance of Christmas, which is purity; the righteousness of Christmas, which is justice; the belief in Christmas, which is truth; the all of Christmas, which is Christ."
Wilda English


Tuesday, November 30, 2021

A Very Long Time

 "Few delights can equal the mere presence of one whom we trust utterly."
George Macdonald, 1824-1903
A favorite snap in my sister-in-law's home with snow on the ground.
 Last week I came upon a phrase that gave me pause for quite awhile. These are the words I read: "Our hearts have been friends for a very, very long time."
My mind immediately went to my elementary school friend who has been in my life all these years. I had just spoken to her the other day. We've been active friends for 60 years, seeing each other through all times of good and bad.
My mind then visited other friends I have enjoyed for a very long time.What a joyful walk down memory lane. Yes, my heart has been friends with many for a very, very long time.
"A friend is one who makes me do my best."
Oswald Chambers, 1874-1917 

But it wasn't until a few days later that my mind was taken in another direction. It was early morning, during my devotions, when I heard in my mind: "I've been friends with God for a very, very long time." It's been 43 years since I was born in God's family. Has my heart been His for all those years?
I believe yes, it has. I cannot remember a time when my heart wasn't with Him. Even during times of extreme heart break and suffering, my heart was always with Him. Many times I have read about hearts being angry with God for one reason or another, but I cannot ever remember being angry with Him.

You see, He's all I have. He's the one that loves me unconditionally. He's always been a whisper away. All my heart break and sorrow has only pushed me closer to Him. It's been a very, very long time.
"Insomuch as anyone pushes you nearer to God, he or she is your friend."

A memory from our home in Maryland

Who's heart has yours been friends with for a very, very long time? Do you speak to them often? Do you carry good memories that bring joy to your spirit?

Tis the season to give thanks. Who can you cheer and encourage by just touching base with them? I know who I can! So thankful my heart has been friends for a very, very long time with dear friends, and my wonderful Savior!

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

What a Title?

 "However painful or difficult, or, on the other hand, however inconspicuous or humdrum, life may be, the Christian finds his peace in accepting and playing his part in the master plan."
 J. B. Phillips, 1906-1982
A graphic I created many years ago with the help of Karla Dornacher's art.
 A good title catches your eye. A good song lyric stays in your head. A good caption speaks volumes.

And that's what happen to me as I was reading through issues of Home Life and Mature Living magazines. "What if this is as Good as it Gets?" caught my eye, as well as "When the Rain Falls . . . Things Begin to Grow."

Now that's a good looking boy!

As a writer I was trained to create catchy titles because that's what draws the eye. Some of the titles I've created and had published are: "Are you Afraid of a Divorced Person?" "A Life Changing Truck" "My Melody of Words" "Out of Tune" and "Is The Answer Reverence." Titles get you thinking, and that's just what I did when I read those two titles!

"What if this is as good as it gets? . . . Are you okay with that?" Me. My personal life. Here we are Thanksgiving week - the time to give thanks for God's blessings. Am I truly thankful for my life and all the joy and sadness I've been through? Wow. That's a doozy of a question.

The truth is, we all have our stories of life, the joys, the disappointments, the weaknesses. There's always something we wish could be rewritten to have a happier ending. Many times I voice David's words in Psalm 55:6: "Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest" and forget all my cares.

Mr. Dove trying to stay warm as winter begins its reign!

Accepting all that has happened to me doesn't mean I like everything, or that I'm happy about everything. It means I've accepted my life and trust God. Whether it's good or bad, God picks up the pieces and continues to work. He continues to work. Let me say that again. He continues to work. Thankfully, He continues to work.

All that my life is, God has provided and directed, and I trust Him to bring me safely home to Him.

"When the Rain Falls . . . Things Begin to Grow." When I accept God's control over all the things that happen in my life, patience grows, understanding grows, humility grows, compassion grows, acceptance grows. Of course, if I don't accept God's control, bitterness grows, anger grows, indifference grows, hate grows, dissatisfaction grows.

A covered bridge I enjoyed seeing one year in Vermont.

Life sure is a journey. As I age, accepting God's control in my life and letting Him work gets easier. It sure helps my day-to-day living when I accept His way. But, I'm not perfect yet and still have a ways to go before my growing season is up.

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order,
and confusion into clarity. It turns a meal into a feast,
a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
Gratitude makes sense out of our past,
brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."

 Melody  Beattie

I believe I have accepted the course of my life, definitely not liking everything, but I can say: "Yes, I'm okay with it as long as God is in control."  Farther down in Psalm 55, my heart is expressed completely: "But as for me, I trust in you." And that's definitely a reason to celebrate this Thanksgiving!

Late fall scenery.

Two little titles brought quite a discussion in my mind. What about you? What if this is as good as it gets? Are you okay with it? I think it's worth your time to consider as you prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas.

God is the giver of all good things. "Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt His name together."

                                                                                                                                                       Graphic ownership unknown

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Be Thankful for Mercy

 "When all thy mercies, O my God, my rising soul surveys,
Transported with the view, I'm lost
In wonder, love and praise."
Joseph Addison, 1672-1719

Mercies Anew was written in 2001 by Mark Altrogge and Bob Kauflin, and I love the words!
Each morning when you have your first conscious thought of God, thank Him for His mercies. Most of us our aware of the Scripture in Lamentations 3:22-23 which says: "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions [mercy] never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."

My friend, Kathy's, front window, a few years ago.

The first verse of Mercies Anew:

"Every morning that breaks, There are mercies anew
Every breath that I take Is your faithfulness proved
And at the end of each day When my labors are through
I will sing of Your mercies anew."

Charles Spurgeon said: "His mercy is unfailing. It will never . . . leave you . . . If mercy is your friend, it will be with you when you are tempted not to yield to the Lord and when you are in deep trouble, to keep you from sinking. It will always be with you to be the light and life of your countenance and to be the joy of your soul when, earthly comfort is quickly fading."  He also said: "His mercy is tender . . . infinite . . . underserved . . . effective . . . diverse and abundant."  
                                August 17th devotion in Look Unto Me: The devotions of Charles Spurgeon, edited by Jim Reimann
"I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever." 
Psalm 52:8
Chorus of Mercies Anew:
"And Your mercies, they will never end For ten thousand years they'll remain
And when this world's beauty has passed away Your mercies will be unchanged."
 If you haven't heard this song, or it's been awhile, enjoying listening to it again and sing along.

Graphic Unknown

Why don't you take a few moments and meditate on God's mercies in your life. I think you'll soon be singing: "I will sing of Your mercies anew"!

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Forever Friends

Money might make you wealthy, but having friends make you rich."
One of my favorite figurines!
I recently saw these words on a friend's post:
"One day, all of us will get separated from each other.
We will miss our conversations. Days, months and years
will pass until we rarely see each other. One day, someone
will see our photos and ask, 'Who are these people?'
And we will smile with a few tears and say,
'It was with them that I had the best days of my life." 
Author unknown
These words are certainly true in my life. My most treasured memories are ones with friends. I have always treasured my friends. They are my family.
My blood family was small. There was more cussing than conversation. It's so hard for me to relate when I read posts from friends that have families that love each other, although not perfect. Once I became a Christian, and my brothers and sisters in Christ became my family, it helped. But it still didn't take away the hurt of never experiencing a loving family and feeling alone, especially during holidays.
I don't know why God's plans for my life didn't include a loving family. So, from early adulthood through all my years, I've shared my life with friends.
I'm thankful for the many ladies who have shared my life, helped me grow as a person, and taught me what loving families are like.
A favorite graphic. 
Artist unknown
This is the month of thankfulness so I salute the friends in my life. I've been blessed with many close friends. I believe God knew I needed friends to help me along my path so He provided friends to mentor me, encourage me, laugh with me, cry with me, strengthen me and care for me.
These are the people I shared friendship with by keeping in touch frequently, meeting together and giving gifts of love. I will forever be thankful for the friends in my life. I have been greatly blessed.
To have friends you must be a friend. You must give of yourself in loving care to share your life with friends. The Proverbs tell us that "those who are to have friends, must show themselves friendly." We need good, true, honest, godly friends, and we need to be that for others.

I've mentioned in previous posts about my 55th birthday party: A celebration of friends! Sixteen of my closest friends, from elementary school up to that present time, were celebrated in my home. It was a lovely day of memories, good times and special friends.

Better is a neighbor who is really 'near' in heart and spirit, than a brother who though closer . . . by blood, is 'far off' in feeling."
Albert Barnes

Yet, I have been doubly blessed. For I have a Friend who means all the world to me. As the song title goes: "Jesus Is All the World to Me."

"Jesus is all the world to me, my life, my joy, my all;
He is my strength from day to day, without Him I would fall.
When I an sad, to Him I go, no other one can cheer me so;
When I an sad, He makes me glad, He's my Friend."
Will Lamartine Thompson, 1847-1909

So whether you are blessed with a loving family or not, there is a friend above all friends who longs to be yours. I love all my friends, but Jesus is the best friend of all. He is Lord; He is Savior; He is God. I praise Him!

After the friendship of God, a friend's affection is the greatest treasure here below.

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...